Or. Admin. Code § 575-007-0250
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 575-007-0250 - Oregon Criminal Records Check Process(1) Forms Required. The OSAC Criminal Records Request form must be filled out and signed by the applicant/employee. This form indicates what identifying and other information is required from the subject individual to begin the CRC. All information provided by the employee/applicant must be truthful, accurate and current.(2) Processing. (a) The Commission obtains criminal records information from the Oregon State Police Law Enforcement Data System and from other sources of criminal, judicial and motor vehicle information.(b) Only an authorized designee, may perform the following duties:(A) Receive and evaluate Oregon criminal records information from the Oregon State Police as allowed by applicable statutes, or(B) Conduct fitness determinations.(c) The Commission or the authorized designee may require that a subject individual obtain and provide additional criminal, judicial or other background information.(d) Criminal records information obtained from the Law Enforcement Data System must be handled in accordance with applicable Oregon State Police requirements in ORS chapter 181 and OAR chapter 257, division 15.(3) Additional Information Required. In order to conduct an Oregon check and fitness determination, the Commission may require additional information from the subject individual as necessary, such as but not limited to proof of identity, residential history, names used while living at each residence, or additional criminal, judicial, or other background information.Or. Admin. Code § 575-007-0250
OSAC 4-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-1-06Stat. Auth.: ORS 348; Ch. 730 2005 OL, HB. 2157 2005 OL
Stats. Implemented: Ch. 730 2005 OL