Or. Admin. Code § 575-007-0200
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 575-007-0200 - Statement of Purpose and Statutory Authority(1) Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the reasonable screening of subject individuals in order to determine if they have a history of criminal behavior such that they are not fit to work or volunteer in positions covered by OAR 575-007-0220(2)(a)-(g).(2) Authority. These rules are authorized under ORS 348, Chapter 730 (2005 Laws), H.B. 2157 (2005 Laws)(3) When Rules Apply. These rules are to be applied when obtaining the criminal history of a subject individual and conducting fitness determinations based upon such history. The fact that a subject individual is approved does not guarantee employment or placement.Or. Admin. Code § 575-007-0200
OSAC 4-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-1-06Stat. Auth.: ORS 348; Ch. 730 2005 OL, HB. 2157 2005 OL
Stats. Implemented: Ch. 730 2005 OL