Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 574-020-0055 - Permanence, Duplication, and Disposal of Faculty Records(1) The individual faculty member's record shall be maintained only for the minimum period of time required to serve the basic official functions of the office which generates and maintains it. It should then be disposed of in a manner such as to protect its confidentiality.(2) The permanent retention of faculty records shall be limited to those which the institutional executive or the State Archivist shall determine to be of long-range value to the individual faculty member, to the institution, or to the public. ORS 351.065 provides that access to personal records more than 25 years old may not be limited.(3) Duplication of faculty records shall be kept to a minimum. Such duplicated records as are made shall be destroyed at a time to be determined and set forth in institutional regulations and in such manner as to protect their confidentiality in accordance with the rules of the State Archivist, or with the Archivist's approval.Or. Admin. Code § 574-020-0055
Stat. Auth.: ORS 351
Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.065, ORS 351.070 & OAR 580-022