Or. Admin. Code § 471-015-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 471-015-0020 - Disclosure of Performance Reporting Information System Data(1) Data from the Performance Reporting Information System shall only be disclosed in the aggregate consisting of no fewer than three unit records, and according to the protocols established by agreement with the system administrator, based on the objectives articulated in ORS 657.734. All disclosures must comply with applicable federal and state law, including any written agreement between the system participants and the system administrator.(2) The system administrator shall make available that aggregate data necessary for the comprehensive workforce system-wide performance indicators. This data will be made available to all system participants, customers such as employers and job seekers, workforce investment boards and the general public.(3) System participants may view the individual records input by the system participant for their own customers, provided that such viewing complies with applicable federal and state law.(4) System participants and the system administrator shall take appropriate, necessary and prudent steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure or identification of an individual's data, including use of the protocols established by agreement. Any individual who, without proper authority, discloses confidential information under ORS 657.734 may be disqualified from holding any appointment or employment with the State of Oregon.Or. Admin. Code § 471-015-0020
ED 15-2001, f. 12-19-01, cert. ef. 12-23-01; ED 13-2003, f. 12-12-03 cert ef. 12-14-03; ED 1-2005, f. & cert. ef. 1-20-05Stat. Auth.: ORS 657.610
Stats. Implemented: ORS 657.610 & 657.734