Or. Admin. Code § 441-065-0270
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 441-065-0270 - Compensatory Benefit Plans and Contracts(1) Creation of Classification. (a) The Director creates a classification of transaction in securities by an issuer designated as a compensatory benefit plan offering that is exempt under SEC Rule 701 (17 CFR 230.701).(b) An issuer of a compensatory benefit plan offering that is exempt under SEC Rule 701 (17 CFR 230.701) may use this registration rule.(2) Application to Register. The issuer shall submit:(a) A completed Form U-1 (Application to Register Securities), except documents required under section 8 of Form U-1;(b) A registration fee in accordance with OAR 441-065-0001;(c) At least one completed Application to License a Salesperson on Form U-4 and license fee as set in OAR 441-175-0002. The salesperson must be a bona fide affiliate of the issuer, its parent or majority-owned subsidiary, and must either: (A) Be an officer, director, general partner or trustee of the issuer, its parent or majority-owned subsidiary; or(B) Have significant involvement in the administration of the benefit plan or contract.(d) The following information: (A) Type of business organization;(B) Full title of plan or description of contracts;(D) Affirmation that the offering is exempt from federal registration pursuant to SEC Rule 701; and(E) Aggregate offering price of securities to be offered or sold pursuant to this application.(e) An election regarding expiration date of an Order of Registration pursuant to section (5) of this rule; and(f) Any supplementary materials requested by the Director.(3) Discrete Offering. Subject to the inclusion of certain offers and sales of securities pursuant to OAR 441-065-0060 through 441-065-0230 or notice filing, offers and sales of securities registered pursuant to this rule shall be deemed to be part of a single, discrete offering and shall not be subject to integration with any other offer or sale by the issuer, whether registered pursuant to other provisions of OAR chapter 441, division 65 or otherwise exempt from the registration requirements of ORS 59.055.(4) Review of Application. An application for registration pursuant to this rule shall be subject to the authority of the Director, pursuant to ORS 59.075, to deny registration or, pursuant to 59.085 and section (8) of this rule, to impose conditions on registration.(5) Order of Registration. Renewal. An initial Order of Registration, if issued, shall, at the election of the registrant, expire 30 days following the end of the issuer's fiscal year, otherwise, one year after the date of issuance. The election must be made at the time application is made pursuant to section (3) of this rule. An application may be submitted for renewal. An Order of Renewal, if issued, shall expire one year after the date of issuance.(6) Conditions of Registration. The following conditions shall be imposed upon every Order of Registration or Renewal issued pursuant to this rule:(a) The issuer, its parent or majority-owned subsidiary shall provide each participant in a compensatory benefit plan with a copy of such plan, and a copy of a written contract relating to compensation shall be provided to the parties; and(b) This registration shall be effective only while the federal exemption under 17 CFR 230.701 is available to the issuer for this offering.(7) Order of Registration. Continued Effectiveness. An issuer may rely on this rule with respect to offers made pursuant to this rule prior to the issuer becoming subject to the reporting requirements of Section (13) or (15)(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( 15 USC 78 a et seq.), and sales consummating such offers may be made thereafter in reliance upon this rule and an effective Order of Registration or Renewal.(8) Full Disclosure. This rule shall not be construed as waiving or modifying the provisions of the Oregon Securities Law relating to disclosure of material information to investors.Or. Admin. Code § 441-065-0270
FCS 3-1991, f. & cert. ef. 8-23-91; FCS 2-1998, f. & cert. ef. 4-30-98; FCS 4-1998, f. & cert. ef. 8-5-98; FCS 2-2003(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-26-03 thru 5-21-04; FCS 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-19-04Forms & Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 59.065 & 59.285
Stats. Implemented: ORS 59.065 & 59.285