Or. Admin. Code § 441-325-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 441-325-0020 - Pre-Sale Disclosure Requirements(1) No franchisor shall sell or offer to sell a franchise in this state unless the franchisor delivers to the prospective franchisee a disclosure document required by 16 CFR pt. 436.(2) The franchisor must deliver the disclosure document and all proposed agreements relating to the sale of the franchise to the prospective franchisee at least 14 calendar days before the prospective franchisee executes any agreement with the franchisor relating to the sale of the franchise or at least 14 calendar days before the prospective franchisee tenders or is required to tender to the franchisor any consideration for the franchise including refundable deposits, whichever occurs first.(3) Failure to timely provide the disclosure document and all proposed agreements required under this rule is a violation of ORS 650.020(1).(4) Compliance with this rule shall not be construed to exempt any person engaged in the sale of a franchise in this state from making such other disclosures as are material.Or. Admin. Code § 441-325-0020
CC 17, f. 5-21-74, ef. 6-11-74; Renumbered from 815-040-0055; FCS 17-1988(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-21-88; FCS 6-1989, f. & cert. ef. 5-17-89; FCS 9-1994, f. & cert. ef. 8-1-94; FCS 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 3-29-95; FCS 5-2008, f. &cert. ef. 6-26-08Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 650.050
Stats. Implemented: ORS 650.020