Or. Admin. Code § 418-030-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 418-030-0020 - Adoption of Oregon Health Authority Rules The Oregon Home Care Commission adopts the rules in OAR chapter 943, division 60, except for rules and definitions which are not applicable to the work of the Commission authorized in ORS 410-595-625 as follows:
(1)Each instance of "Oregon Health Authority" or "Authority" means "Oregon Home Care Commission" or "Commission." (2) The following rules, and subparts thereof, are not applicable: (a)943-060-0010, definitions (2)(a) and (c), (3)(a) through (o), and (8);(c) In 943-060-0050, omit agreements under ORS 190.485, 190.112 and 660.342 (as renumbered to 660.334); (f)943-060-0110(1), (11), and (12).Or. Admin. Code § 418-030-0020
HCC 1-2014, f. 11-26-14, cert. ef. 12/1/2014Stat. Auth.: ORS 410.602
Stats. Implemented: ORS 410.604, 410.625