Or. Admin. Code § 416-415-0010
These rules institute guidelines for establishing, operating, and administering Work Programs for Youth in Custody residing in OYA close-custody facilities. OYA Work Programs emphasize each participant's potential to lead a positive, productive life. The goal of OYA Work Programs is for Youth in Custody participants to gain the knowledge, skills, and proficiencies for employment or further education upon release from incarceration into the community, consistent with the Youth in Custody's treatment needs, the safety and security needs of the facility, and the safety and security needs of the Work Program and any Program Staff or Youth in Custody participants.
Or. Admin. Code § 416-415-0010
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 420A.025, 420A.010 & 420.240
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 420A.010, 420.060, 420.240 & 420.245