Or. Admin. Code § 340-096-0230
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 340-096-0230 - Standards for Waste Tire Storage Sites(1) The holder of a waste tire storage permit shall comply with the technical and operational standards in OAR 340-096-0230.(2) A waste tire storage site shall not be constructed or operated in a wetland, waterway, floodway, 25-year floodplain, or any area where it may be subjected to submersion in water.(3) Operation. A waste tire storage site shall be operated in compliance with the following standards: (a) An outdoor waste tire pile and a tire-derived material pile shall have no greater than the following maximum dimensions:(A) Volume: 50,000 cubic feet;(B) Area: 5,000 square feet;(b) Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet, exclusive of shoulders. Access roadways shall be within 150 feet of any point in the storage yard where waste tire piles and tire-derived material piles are located, not less than 20 feet from any waste tire pile and tire-derived material pile;(c) Waste tire piles and tire-derived material piles shall be located at least 50 feet from buildings and lot lines;(d) Waste tire storage piles and tire-derived material piles shall be separated by a clear space of at least 40 feet from other waste tire piles or tire-derived material piles;(e) Waste tires to be stored for one month or longer must be ricked or horizontally stacked securely by overlapping so that the center of a tire fits over the edge of the tire below it;(f) The permittee shall operate and maintain the site in a manner that minimizes vector attraction and nuisance conditions;(g) A sign shall be posted at the entrance of the storage site stating operating hours, cost of disposal and site rules if the site receives tires from persons other than the operator of the site;(h) No operations involving the use of open flames or blow torches shall be conducted within 25 feet of a waste tire storage pile or tire-derived material piles;(i) An approach and access road to the waste tire storage site shall be maintained passable for any vehicle at all times. Access to the site shall be controlled through the use of fences, gates, or other means of controlling access;(j) If required by the Department, the site shall be screened from public view;(k) An attendant shall be present at all times the waste tire storage site is open for business, if the site receives tires from persons other than the operator of the site;(l) The site shall be bermed or given other adequate protection to keep any liquid runoff from potential tire fires from entering waterways;(m) If pyrolytic oil is released at the waste tire storage site, the permittee shall remove contaminated soil in accordance with applicable rules governing the removal, transportation and disposal of the material;(n) In the case of waste tires stored for seasonal agricultural uses: During the annual period(s) during which the waste tires are not being used for seasonal agricultural uses, they shall be stored to meet the standards in this rule.(4) The Department may impose additional storage requirements for an individual site which are necessary to protect the public health or the environment.(5) The Department may approve exceptions to OAR 340-096-0230(3) if the Department determines that a waste tire storage site is not likely to adversely impact the waters of the State or public health, or be a fire hazard the department may waive any of the requirements of OAR 340-096-0230(3). In making this judgment, the Department may consider the size and location of the waste tire storage site, the volume of waste tires received, distance to surface water, and any other relevant factors. The applicant must submit any information the Department deems necessary to determine that the proposed waste tire storage site and site operation will comply with all pertinent rules of the Department.(6) The director may grant a variance to the technical and operational standards in this rule or the requirements of OAR 340-096-0240(3) for a waste tire storage site in existence on or before January 1, 1988. This may include certain requirements of these technical and operational standards when circumstances of the waste tire storage site location, operating procedures, and fire control protection indicate that the purpose and intent of these rules can be achieved without strict adherence to all of the requirements, or when the site is not receiving additional tires and is under a closure schedule approved by the Department.Or. Admin. Code § 340-096-0230
DEQ 11-2023, adopt filed 07/21/2023, effective 7/21/2023Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 459.785
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 459.268, 459.710, 459.715 & 459.720