Or. Admin. Code § 340-096-0080
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 340-096-0080 - Special Rules Pertaining to Composting: Screening(1) All composting facilities not exempted by OAR 340-96-0060(3)(a) will be screened by the department under this rule to determine whether the facility poses a risk to human health or the environment. All facilities subject to this rule must provide to the department the information described below. The department may require any additional information the department considers necessary to evaluate the potential environmental risks posed by a facility. All information must be submitted on application forms provided by the department and include the screening fee required by OAR 340-097-0120(3). The application must be accompanied by all required exhibits using paper with recycled content with copy printed on both sides of the paper whenever possible, follow the organizational format and include the level of informational detail required by the department, and be signed by the property owner or person in control of the premises. (a) Physical information, including: (A) The location and site schematic, including areas for management of leachate and stormwater, of the existing or proposed composting facility by latitude and longitude, identified on a map; (B) The location of the facility on a tax lot map; (C) The location of and distance to surface water in the drainage area of the composting facility, and all drainage channels, ditches and any other water conveyances leading from the composting facility to surface water, identified on a map; (D) Distance to the uppermost groundwater aquifer and other known aquifers at the location of the composting facility and in any areas proposed for infiltration of leachate or stormwater from the composting facility; (E) Soil type or types, and permeability if known or available, at the location of the composting facility and in any areas proposed for infiltration of leachate or stormwater; (F) The location and well logs of all wells on the property where the composting facility is located; the location and well logs of any wells within 1/4 mile of the composting facility; and, if known, the location of any proposed wells within 1/4 mile of the composting facility; (G) The locations of all commercial and residential structures within a one mile radius of the composting facility, identified on a map or photograph; (H) The prevailing wind direction, by season, identified on a map, and any other climactic information related to wind and air movement; (b) Operational information, including: (A) A description of the composting operation including feedstock types, volumes and sources; feedstock storage; any grinding, mixing or other preparation of feedstocks, composting methods used; and the storage, processing, and uses of composted material, digestate, biogas and other products or materials; (B) A description of any leachate, liquid digestate and stormwater produced at the facility, including information about the physical, biological and chemical composition of leachate and liquid digestate; (C) A description of all existing or planned structures and features for managing liquid digestate, leachate and stormwater, including but not limited to information about any detention or infiltration basins, and any infiltration structures such as filter strips and bioswales; (D) If the facility is subject to the pathogen reduction requirements of OAR 340-096-0070(5), a description of the methods the facility will use to achieve such pathogen reduction; (E) A description of the methods the facility will use to achieve vector control; (F) Any seasonal variances in the operation of the facility; (G) Contact information including the facility operator, facility owner, and property owner; and (H) Operational and compliance history of the facility. (c) Information regarding other permits, including any other known or anticipated permits from the department or other governmental agencies. If previously applied for, include a copy of such permit application and, if granted, a copy of such permit. (d) A Land Use Compatibility Statement under OAR 340 Division 18 and a statement that the facility is compatible with the solid waste management plan for the jurisdiction. (2) To conduct the evaluation under section (3) of this rule, the department may require a composting facility to conduct groundwater sampling or monitoring and provide analytical results to the department. (3) Based on information provided by the operator, and any other information available to the department, the department will evaluate the current and likely future impact of the facility to human health and the environment. The department will evaluate the degree to which a composting facility may present a risk of adverse effects to surface water and groundwater, and the likelihood the facility will create unacceptable odor problems. (a) All composting facilities the department determines present a low environmental risk must comply with OAR 340-096-0100: Registration. Any requirements the department determines are necessary for a facility to operate in compliance with OAR 340-096-0070: Performance Standards will be incorporated into the registration Approval Conditions under OAR 340-096-0100. Approval Conditions may include any of the matters addressed in OAR 340-096-0090: Operations Plan Approval. The department will consider a composting facility a "low risk" facility if, based on the information provided under (1) and (2) of this rule, the specific location of the facility, the feedstocks used, and the operational and compliance history of the facility, owner, or operator, the department determines: (A) The facility is not likely to cause discharge of leachate, liquid digestate, or leachate or liquid digestate-contaminated stormwater to surface water; (B) Infiltration of leachate, liquid digestate, or stormwater from the facility will not cause a likely adverse impact to soil, groundwater quality, or indirectly to surface water quality; and (C) The facility is not likely to cause odor problems beyond the boundaries of the facility. (b) All composting facilities the department determines present a risk of potential adverse effects to surface water, groundwater, or soil, or may create odor problems beyond the boundaries of the facility, must comply with OAR 340-096-0090: Operations Plan Approval. The department will consider a composting facility to present a "risk of potential adverse effects" if, based on the information provided under (1) and (2) of this rule, including but not limited to the location of the facility; the design, structures, and operational requirements necessary to meet the requirements of OAR 340-096-0070; the feedstocks used, the operational and compliance history of the facility, and the type of composting process used, the department determines: (A) The composting facility presents a risk of unpermitted releases of leachate or stormwater to surface water; (B) The facility presents a risk of causing a likely adverse impact to surface water or groundwater; (C) The facility presents a risk of causing an unacceptable adverse impact to soil; or (D) The facility presents a risk of causing odor problems beyond the boundaries of the facility. (4) The department may at any time reevaluate a composting facility under this rule and may assign a facility to a different category under section (3) of this rule.Or. Admin. Code § 340-096-0080
DEQ 6-2009, f. & cert. ef. 9-14-09; DEQ 7-2013, f. & cert. ef. 8-29-13Stat. Auth.: ORS 459.045, 459A.025 & 468.020
Stats. Implemented: ORS 459.005, 459.015 & 459.205