Or. Admin. Code § 340-209-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 340-209-0040 - Public Notice Information(1) The following information is required in public notices for all proposed ACDP, draft Oregon Title V Operating Permit actions, and Toxic Air Contaminant Permit Addenda(t) issued under division 245, except for General Permit actions: (a) Name of applicant and location of the facility;(b) Type of facility, including a description of the facility's processes subject to the permit;(c) Description of the air contaminant emissions including, the type of regulated pollutants, quantity of emissions, and any decreases or increases since the last permit action for the facility;(d) Location and description of documents relied upon in preparing the draft permit;(e) Other permits required by DEQ;(f) Date of previous permit actions;(g) Opportunity for public comment and a brief description of the comment procedures, whether in writing or in person, including the procedures for requesting a hearing (unless a hearing has already been scheduled or is not an option for the public notice category);(h) Compliance, enforcement, and complaint history along with resolution of the same;(i) A summary of the discretionary decisions made by DEQ in drafting the permit;(j) Type and duration of the proposed or draft permit action;(k) Basis of need for the proposed or draft permit action;(l) Any special conditions imposed in the proposed or draft permit action;(m) Whether each proposed permitted emission is a criteria pollutant and whether the area in which the source is located is designated as attainment/unclassified, sustainment, nonattainment, reattainment or maintenance for that pollutant;(n) If the proposed permit action is for a federal major source, whether the proposed permitted emission would have a significant impact on a Class I airshed;(o) If the proposed permit action is for a major source for which dispersion modeling has been performed, an indication of what impact each proposed permitted emission would have on the ambient air quality standard and PSD increment consumption within an attainment area;(p) Other available information relevant to the permitting action;(q) The name and address of DEQ office processing the permit;(r) The name, address, and telephone number and e-mail address of a person from whom interested persons may obtain additional information, including copies of the permit draft, the application, all relevant supporting materials, including any compliance plan, permit, and monitoring and compliance certification report, except for information that is exempt from disclosure, and all other materials available to DEQ that are relevant to the permit decision;(s) If applicable, a statement that an enhanced NSR process under OAR 340 division 224, including the external review procedures required under OAR 340-218-0210 and 340-218-0230, is being used to allow for subsequent incorporation of the operating approval into an Oregon Title V Operating Permit as an administrative amendment; and(t) For Toxic Air Contaminant Permit Addenda and ACDP permits that include conditions consistent with OAR chapter 340, division 245, a list of estimated toxic air contaminant emissions and, if applicable, a summary of the results of any risk assessment.(2) General Permit Actions. The following information is required for General ACDP and General Oregon Title V Operating Permit actions: (a) The name and address of potential or actual facilities assigned to the General Permit;(b) Type of facility, including a description of the facility's process subject to the permit;(c) Description of the air contaminant emissions including, the type of regulated pollutants, quantity of emissions, and any decreases or increases since the last permit action for the potential or actual facilities assigned to the permit;(d) Location and description of documents relied upon in preparing the draft permit;(e) Other permits required by DEQ;(f) Date of previous permit actions;(g) Opportunity for public comment and a brief description of the comment procedures, whether in writing or in person, including the procedures for requesting a hearing (unless a hearing has already been scheduled or is not an option for the Public Notice category);(h) Compliance, enforcement, and complaint history along with resolution of the same;(i) A summary of the discretionary decisions made by DEQ in drafting the permit;(j) Type and duration of the proposed or draft permit action;(k) Basis of need for the proposed or draft permit action;(l) Any special conditions imposed in the proposed or draft permit action;(m) Whether each proposed permitted emission is a criteria pollutant and whether the area in which the sources are located are designated as attainment or non-attainment for that pollutant;(n) If the proposed permit action is for a federal major source, whether the proposed permitted emission would have a significant impact on a Class I airshed;(o) Other available information relevant to the permitting action; and(p) The name and address of DEQ office processing the permit;(q) The name, address, and telephone number and e-mail address of a person from whom interested persons may obtain additional information, including copies of the permit draft, the application, all relevant supporting materials, including any compliance plan, permit, and monitoring and compliance certification report, except for information that is exempt from disclosure, and all other materials available to DEQ that are relevant to the permit decision. NOTE: This rule is included in the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan that EQC adopted under OAR 340-200-0040 with the exception of all references to toxic air contaminants and OAR chapter 340, division 245.
Or. Admin. Code § 340-209-0040
DEQ 47, f. 8-31-72, ef. 9-15-72; DEQ 63, f. 12-20-73, ef. 1-11-74; DEQ 107, f. & ef. 1-6-76; Renumbered from 340-020-0033; DEQ 13-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-17-88; DEQ 34-1990, f. 8-20-90, cert. ef. 9-1-90; DEQ 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 3-10-93; DEQ 12-1993, f. & cert. ef. 9-24-93, Renumbered from 340-020-0150; DEQ 14-1999, f. & cert. ef. 10-14-99, Renumbered from 340-028-1710; DEQ 6-2001, f. 6-18-01, cert. ef. 7-1-01, Renumbererd from 340-216-0050; DEQ 8-2007, f. &cert. ef. 11-8-07; DEQ 7-2015, f. & cert. ef. 4/16/2015; DEQ 197-2018, amend filed 11/16/2018, effective 11/16/2018Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 468.020, 468.065 & 468A.310
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 468.065, 468A.040, 468A.310 & 468A.035