Or. Admin. Code § 340-016-0065
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 340-016-0065 - FeesThe application fee shall be made payable to the Department of Environmental Quality and shall not be refunded to the applicant except as set forth in section (3) of this rule. The application fee shall be based upon the facility cost after any reductions as set forth ORS 340-016-0070(1).
(1) Application Fee for Preliminary Certification. If the applicant chooses to submit the optional application for preliminary certification as set forth in OAR 340-016-0055(1), the applicant shall submit the appropriate preliminary application fee of: (a) One-half of one percent of the estimated facility cost as claimed on the preliminary application. The minimum fee shall be $50 and the maximum fee shall be $7,500; or(b) $50 for preliminary applications claiming alternatives to open field burning.(2) Application Fee for Final Certification. The applicant shall submit the appropriate final application fee: (a) One percent of the estimated facility cost as claimed on the final application. The minimum fee shall be $50 and the maximum fee shall be $15,000. If the applicant received a preliminary certificate and the facility claimed on the final application: (A) Was built substantially as represented on the preliminary certification, the applicant may subtract the amount of the preliminary application fee paid from the final application fee; or(B) Was not built substantially as represented on the preliminary certification, the applicant shall not subtract the amount of the preliminary application fee paid from the final application fee.(b) $50 for final applications claiming alternatives to open field burning.(3) Refunds. The Department shall refund 50% of the preliminary and final application fee paid only if the preliminary or the final application is rejected or denied. The preliminary and final application fee for alternatives to open field burning shall not be refunded any amount under this rule.Or. Admin. Code § 340-016-0065
DEQ 5-1998, f. 4-24-98, cert. ef. 5-1-98Stat. Auth.:ORS 468.150
Stats. Implemented:ORS 468.150 -ORS 468.190