Or. Admin. Code § 334-010-0050
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 334-010-0050 - Continuing Education(1) The intent of Continuing Education is to protect the public by maintaining continued competency in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of massage or bodywork. Continued competence is the ongoing ability of a licensee to integrate and apply the knowledge, skills, judgment and personal attributes required to practice safely and ethically.(a) Each licensee must complete 25 hours of continuing education each renewal period.(b) Of the 25 hours, at least 4 must be in either Professional Ethics, Boundaries, or Communication. These hours must be obtained by participation in supervised learning as defined in 334-010-0050 (3)(a).(c) Of the 25 hours, at least 1 must be in Cultural Competency.(d) Of the 25 hours, at least once by a licensee's next required continuing education reporting, 1 must be in Pain Management as provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission (OPMC). This module may be repeated and will apply to continuing education hours.(e) Each licensee must hold a current Basic Life Support (BLS) card.(2) The continuing education hours must be from the following topics and within the scope of the license:(a) Massage and bodywork techniques;(b) Use of thermal modalities, topical preparations, over-the-counter massage tools;(c) Active and passive range of motion and stretching techniques;(d) Assessment of client's soft tissue, posture, and movement patterns;(e) Massage and bodywork business practices;(f) Anatomy and physiology of the human body;(g) Kinesiology of the human body;(h) Pathology of the human body;(i) Professional Ethics, Boundaries or Communication;(j) Cultural competency as defined in ORS 413.45;(m) Basic Life Support (BLS);(n) Pain Management as provided by the Oregon Pain Management commission (OPMC); or(o) Massage and bodywork instructor training.(3) The methods of obtaining continuing education in the topics listed in OAR 334-010-0050 (2) shall include:(a) Participation in instructor supervised, formal learning courses, seminars, and workshops. A minimum of 8 of the required 25 hours must be from supervised education.(A) These shall be provided by:(i) a licensed or accredited massage and bodywork training program;(ii) a provider recognized by a massage and bodywork professional organization;(iii) an accredited institution of higher education;(iv) a licensed healthcare provider, including an LMT or equivalent license;(v) an American Heart Association (AHA) or OSHA compliant CPR provider.(B) These may be delivered in person or by virtual learning. Virtual learning method is one in which there is an instructor available to directly answer questions from course participants or interact with them during the course through various formats such as electronic discussion boards, email, social media groups, or other methods of direct communication.(C) These must have a syllabus that includes competencies covered and methods of assessment.(b) Participation in unsupervised, informal learning presentations, teaching, media based self-study, webinars, seminars, and OBMT meetings. A maximum of 17 of the required 25 hours may be from unsupervised education.(A) These shall be provided by:(i) a licensed or accredited massage and bodywork training program;(ii) a provider recognized by a massage and bodywork professional organization;(iii) an accredited institution of higher education;(iv) a licensed healthcare provider, including an LMT or equivalent license;(v) an American Heart Association (AHA) or (Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OHSA) compliant CPR provider;(vi) OBMT Board or Committee meeting with a limit of 3 hours per renewal period. One credit hour will be given for each meeting.(vii) Publishing an article relating to massage and bodywork.(viii) Courses or lectures on massage and bodywork which a licensee presents. A licensee may receive credit for presenting a course or lecture only one time per renewal period regardless of how many times the licensee presents a course or lecture.(B) These may be delivered in person or remotely.(4) If the Continuing Education subject matter is not listed under OAR 334-010-0050(1) it will NOT be accepted for continuing education.(5) The Oregon Board of Massage Therapists randomly selects a minimum of 10 percent of received monthly renewals for a continuing education audit.(a) If selected for an audit the licensee will have 30 days to complete the audit form and submit copies (not originals) of their Continuing Education certificates.(b) If the licensee fails to provide the requested information to the Board, within the 30 days, the Board may issue discipline per ORS 687.081 and 687.250.(6) Continuing education must be completed within the renewal period as determined by the class' completion date.(a) Supervised hours taken and submitted during renewal in excess of the total number required may only be carried over to the next subsequent renewal period.(b) Supervised hours taken in Professional Ethics, Boundaries and/or Communication in excess of the four hour requirement may be carried over to the next subsequent renewal period.(7) The continuing education requirement does not apply to a licensee's first license renewal. Continuing Education taken during the first renewal period must be submitted during the second renewal period(8) Continuing education records must be maintained by each licensee for a minimum of five years.(9) If the Board finds indications of fraud or falsification of records, investigative action shall be taken. Findings may result in disciplinary action up to and including revocation of the licensee's license.(10) Failure to complete continuing education hours by the time of renewal may result in revocation, suspension and/or denial of a license. Licensee has 30 days from date of notification of non- compliance to come into compliance. Failure to be in compliance may result in discipline of the license to practice massage.(11) During a Governor of Oregon declared State of Emergency:(a) Continuing education hours may be reduced from the current required hours to no fewer than the statutorily required hours as per ORS 687.051.(b) The Board or their designee may authorize alternative methods of obtaining required continuing education hours through supervised and unsupervised hours. The subject matter of the continuing education hours must meet the requirements set forth in OAR 334-010-0050 (1) continuing education rules.(c) The Board or their designee may utilize a period of up to one year to phase any adjusted rules back to normal requirements.(d) This rule does not apply to the cultural competency continuing education subject matter requirements pursuant to ORS 676.850.Or. Admin. Code § 334-010-0050
BMT 1-1998(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 2-3-98 thru 7-31-98; BMT 2-1998, f. & cert. ef. 7-22-98; BMT 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 1-24-03; BMT 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 2-23-04; BMT 2-2004(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 3-16-04 thru 9-7-04; Reverted to BMT 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 2-23-04; BMT 3-2004(Temp), f.& cert. ef. 10-22-04 thru 4-19-05; BMT 1-2005, f. & cert. ef. 2-23-05; BMT 1-2006, f. & cert. ef. 1-5-06; BMT 1-2009, f. 2-13-09, cert. ef. 3-1-09; BMT 3-2009, f. & cert. ef. 7-2-09; BMT 4-2011, f. 12-1-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12; BMT 2-2013, f. 11-26-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14; BMT 1-2016, f. 5-23-16, cert. ef. 7/1/2016; BMT 1-2017, f. 5-23-17, cert. ef. 7/1/2017; BMT 1-2019, amend filed 03/21/2019, effective 7/1/2019; BMT 2-2019, amend filed 12/10/2019, effective 1/1/2020; BMT 1-2020, minor correction filed 02/10/2020, effective 2/10/2020; BMT 1-2021, amend filed 02/02/2021, effective 2/2/2021; BMT 2-2021, amend filed 05/26/2021, effective 7/1/2021; BMT 1-2022, amend filed 05/20/2022, effective 7/1/2022; BMT 1-2023, amend filed 01/27/2023, effective 7/1/2023; BMT 1-2024, amend filed 05/08/2024, effective 7/1/2024Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 687.081, 687.121 & 687.122
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 687.011, 687.051, 687.057, 687.061, 687.081, 687.086 & 687.121