Or. Admin. Code § 333-114-0005
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 333-114-0005 - DefinitionsFor the purposes of ORS 469.611 and these rules:
(1) "Certified Training" means radiological safety training in which performance has been demonstrated through the satisfactory completion of an authorized exam.(2) "Authorized Exam" means an exam, either written or oral; or a performance demonstration that has been authorized by the Authority as adequate to demonstrate the competency of a particular skill level. Whenever possible authorized exams will be developed consistent with the programs and policies with the Oregon Department of Energy, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, State Fire Accreditation Board, and the Board on Police Standards and Training.(3) "Skill Level" means:(a) "Radiological Monitor (RM)" means person who has demonstrated competency through the satisfactory completion of an authorized (RM) exam and therefore is qualified to be a member of a radiological response team. An RM must be recertified every four years;(b) "Regional Radiological Technical Assistant (RRTA)" means a person who has demonstrated competency through the satisfactory completion of an authorized RRTA exam. An RRTA is also qualified to instruct employees of emergency services agencies in the proper response to transportation accident involving radioactive materials. An RRTA must be recertified every two years;(c) "Radiological Officer (RO)" means a person who has demonstrated competency through the satisfactory completion of an authorized RO exam and therefore is qualified to advise a community before during and after a nuclear attack and/or incident. A RO must be recertified every three years;(d) "Radiological Monitor Instructor (RMI)" means a person who has demonstrated competency through the satisfactory completion of an authorized RMI exam and therefore is qualified to be an instructor of "Radiological Monitoring". An RMI must be recertified every three years.Or. Admin. Code § 333-114-0005
HD 10-1987, f. & ef. 7-28-87; HD 1-1991, f. & cert. ef. 1-8-91Stat. Auth.: ORS 453.635
Stats. Implemented: ORS 453.605 - 453.755