- Section 333-010-0000 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Definitions
- Section 333-010-0010 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0020 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Reporting Requirements for Health Care Facilities
- Section 333-010-0030 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Reporting Requirements for Practitioners
- Section 333-010-0032 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Reporting Requirements for Clinical Laboratories
- Section 333-010-0035 - Patient Notification Requirement
- Section 333-010-0040 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Quality Standards
- Section 333-010-0050 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Confidentiality and Access to Data
- Section 333-010-0055 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Research Studies
- Section 333-010-0060 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Special Studies
- Section 333-010-0070 - Advisory Committee
- Section 333-010-0080 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Training and Consultation
- Section 333-010-0090 - Cancer Reporting Regulations: Fees
- Section 333-010-0100 - Description of the ScreenWise Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
- Section 333-010-0105 - Definitions
- Section 333-010-0110 - Client Eligibility
- Section 333-010-0115 - Client Enrollment
- Section 333-010-0120 - Covered Services
- Section 333-010-0125 - Excluded Services
- Section 333-010-0130 - Standards of Care for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening and Diagnostic Services
- Section 333-010-0135 - Provider Enrollment
- Section 333-010-0140 - Billing
- Section 333-010-0145 - Claims and Data Submission
- Section 333-010-0150 - Timely Submission of Claims and Data
- Section 333-010-0155 - Payment
- Section 333-010-0160 - Requirements for Financial, Clinical and Other Records
- Section 333-010-0165 - Compliance with Federal and State Statutes
- Section 333-010-0170 - Denial or Recovery of Reimbursement Resulting from Review or Audit
- Section 333-010-0175 - Recovery of Overpayments to Providers Resulting from Review or Audit
- Section 333-010-0180 - Provider Sanctions
- Section 333-010-0185 - Provider Appeals
- Section 333-010-0190 - Provider Appeals (Level 1) - Claims Reconsideration
- Section 333-010-0195 - Provider Appeals (Level 2) - Contested Case Hearing Contested case hearings will be held in accordance with ORS 183
- Section 333-010-0197 - Presumptive Eligibility for BCCTP
- Section 333-010-0200 - Description of the WISEWOMAN Program
- Section 333-010-0205 - Definitions
- Section 333-010-0210 - Client Eligibility
- Section 333-010-0215 - Client Enrollment
- Section 333-010-0220 - Provider Enrollment
- Section 333-010-0225 - Standards of Care for WISEWOMAN Program Screening and Services
- Section 333-010-0230 - Submission of Information by Ancillary Providers
- Section 333-010-0235 - Covered Services
- Section 333-010-0240 - Excluded Services
- Section 333-010-0245 - Claims and Billing
- Section 333-010-0250 - Payment
- Section 333-010-0255 - Denial or Recovery of Reimbursement Resulting from Review or Audit
- Section 333-010-0260 - Recovery of Overpayments to Providers Resulting from Review or Audit
- Section 333-010-0265 - Client Data Submission
- Section 333-010-0270 - Requirements for Financial, Clinical and Other Records
- Section 333-010-0275 - Compliance with Federal and State Statutes
- Section 333-010-0280 - Provider Sanctions
- Section 333-010-0285 - Provider Appeals (Level 1) - Claims Reconsideration
- Section 333-010-0290 - Provider Appeals (Level 2) - Contested Case Hearing
- Section 333-010-0300 - Definitions
- Section 333-010-0310 - Purpose and Intent
- Section 333-010-0320 - Framework for Grant Awards
- Section 333-010-0330 - Local Coalitions and Community-Based Programs
- Section 333-010-0350 - Statewide Public Awareness and Education Programs
- Section 333-010-0360 - Statewide and Regional Projects Programs
- Section 333-010-0370 - Reporting
- Section 333-010-0400 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0405 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0410 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0415 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0420 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0425 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0430 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0435 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0440 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0445 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0450 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0455 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0460 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0465 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0470 - [Repealed]
- Section 333-010-0600 - Definitions
- Section 333-010-0610 - General Authority and Purpose
- Section 333-010-0620 - Reporting Requirements for Schools
- Section 333-010-0630 - Reporting Requirements for Practitioners
- Section 333-010-0640 - Confidentiality and Access to Data
- Section 333-010-0650 - Research Studies
- Section 333-010-0660 - Advisory Committee
- Section 333-010-0700 - Dental Pilot Projects: Purpose
- Section 333-010-0710 - Dental Pilot Projects: Definitions
- Section 333-010-0720 - Dental Pilot Projects: Application Procedure
- Section 333-010-0730 - Dental Pilot Projects: Application Review Process
- Section 333-010-0740 - Dental Pilot Projects: Project Application Provisional Approval or Denial
- Section 333-010-0750 - Dental Pilot Projects: Provisional Approval; Final Approval
- Section 333-010-0760 - Dental Pilot Projects: Minimum Standards
- Section 333-010-0770 - Dental Pilot Projects: Informed Consent
- Section 333-010-0780 - Dental Pilot Projects: Pilot Project Evaluation and Monitoring by Sponsor
- Section 333-010-0790 - Dental Pilot Projects: Authority Responsibilities
- Section 333-010-0800 - Dental Pilot Projects: Project Modifications
- Section 333-010-0810 - Dental Pilot Projects: Discontinuation or Completion of Project
- Section 333-010-0820 - Dental Pilot Projects: Suspension, Denial or Termination of Project