Or. Admin. Code § 330-068-0010
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 330-068-0010 - Definitions(1) "Bonneville" means the Bonneville Power Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Energy.(2) "Building" means any structure in which the efficiency of electric energy use can be improved through the installation of an energy conservation measure (ECM), and which was completed by October 28, 1982, and which is owned and operated by an Institution.(3) "Care Institution" means: (a) An institution for long-term care, a rehabilitation institution, or a health center, as described in Section 1633 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300s-3; 88 Stat. 2270); or(b) A residential child care center, other than a foster home, which is primarily intended to provide fulltime residential care with an average length of stay of at least 30 days for at least ten minor persons who are in the care of such institution as a result of a finding of abandonment or neglect, or of being persons in need of treatment or supervision.(4) "Department" means the Oregon Department of Energy.(5) "Administrative Costs" are those allowed under OMB Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments", as amended.(6) "Effective Date" means October 28, 1982.(7) "Energy Audit" (EA) means the survey of an Institution by an energy auditor, which is conducted according to standards established by Bonneville, and which provides a description of the energy-using characteristics of the buildings and identifies O&M activities.(8) "Energy Auditor" means a representative of an institution or a licensed engineer or architect who is certified by the Department to perform energy audits under this program.(9) "Energy Conservation Measure" (ECM) means an installation of material or equipment or the provision of services for weatherization, water heating, space heating or cooling, ventilation, lighting, food preparation, pumps and motors, automatic energy control, and energy recovery resulting in improved efficiency of electric energy use. An ECM is also a direct application renewable resource. (10) "Facility Other Than Buildings" means an installation such as, but not limited to, a: (a) Sewage treatment plant;(b) Potable water treatment and pumping system;(d) Parking structure; and(e) Stadium or arena, which was completed by October 28, 1982 and which is owned and operated by an institution.(11) "Hospital" means an institution which is a general or specialized hospital, other than a hospital furnishing primarily domiciliary care, and which is duly authorized to provide hospital services under the laws of the state in which it is located.(12) "Initial Budget Year" means the period starting with the effective date and ending with the end of the federal fiscal year.(13) "Institution" means a nonprofit institution or a public institution located within an operating area as listed in rule 330-068-0080.(14) "Nonprofit Institution" means a hospital, care institution, or school owned and operated by an entity which is exempt from income tax under Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.(15) "Occupied Building" (for buildings located within facilities) means an enclosed structure in which people are located for more than seven hours per week, and which contains an operative heating and/or cooling system used for human comfort and/or for process environmental control.(16) "Operation and Maintenance" (O&M) means the operation of, or scheduled maintenance, repair and adjustment of, equipment or components of buildings to assure improved energy efficiency.(17) "Program" means the Institutional Buildings Program funded by Bonneville through an agreement with the Department as may be periodically amended.(18) "Project" means one or more ECMs, defined by the TAS, which are submitted by an institution to the Department for funding.(19) "Public Institution" means an institution owned and operated by: (a) The federal government;(c) A political subdivision of a state empowered to levy taxes;(d) A recognized governing body of an Indian tribe; or(e) A body delegated general government functions under state or local legislative authority.(20) "School" means an institution which provides, and is legally authorized to provide, elementary, secondary, post-secondary, or vocational education on a day or residential basis.(21) "Technical Assistance Study" (TAS) means a study which is performed according to standards provided by Bonneville which analyzes the potential energy savings in a building and includes recommendations for accomplishing such energy savings through ECMs.Or. Admin. Code § 330-068-0010
DOE 11-1982, f. & ef. 12-17-82; DOE 5-1984, f. & ef. 4-3-84; DOE 3-1985, f. & ef. 3-20-85Publications: The publication(s) referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 469
Stats. Implemented: ORS 469