Or. Admin. Code § 330-230-0000
These rules provide procedures for compliance activities and pass-through transactions for the incentive programs established in House Bill 3672 (2011) and amended by House Bill 4079 (2012). The compliance rules in OAR 330-230-0010 to 330-230-0060 apply to all applicants for energy incentive programs for energy conservation, transportation and renewable energy grants as governed by ORS 469 B. The pass-through rules in OAR 330-230-0110 to 330-230-0150 apply to all applicants for the energy incentive program for energy conservation projects as governed by ORS 469B.270 through 469B.306 and transportation projects as governed by ORS 469B.320 through 469B.347.
Or. Admin. Code § 330-230-0000
Stat. Auth.: OL 2011, Ch. 730, Sec. 34 - 51
Stats. Implemented: OL 2011, Ch. 730, Sec. 34 - 51