Or. Admin. Code § 309-019-0235
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 309-019-0235 - [Effective 6/29/2025] ACT Fidelity Requirements(1) A program certified to provide ACT services shall be reviewed annually for fidelity adherence by the Division Approved Reviewer and may not bill Medicaid or use General Funds for the provision of ACT services unless they achieve a minimum score of 114 on the fidelity scale. Extension of a certification period has no bearing on the frequency or scope of fidelity reviews or re-certification reviews required under OAR chapter 309, division 008.(2) Proposed changes to fidelity tools by the Division Approved Reviewer that would impact scoring must be communicated to The Division prior to being implemented.(3) Fidelity reviews shall be conducted utilizing the Division approved ACT Fidelity Scale, which the Division Approved Reviewer shall make the Fidelity Tools available to providers electronically at least 45 calendar days prior to scheduled fidelity review.(4) Within 30 calendar days following the fidelity review, the Division Approved Reviewer shall provide a comprehensive fidelity review report to the Division and the program. If the designated CCO request a copy of this report, the Division Approved Reviewer shall provide a copy timely.(5) Unless otherwise specified in CCO and program contract, the Program shall send a copy of the fidelity review report to the appropriate CCO within 7 calendar days following issuance of the fidelity review report.(6) If a program meets the benchmark score of 114, there will be a meeting scheduled within 20 calendar days after the publication and issuance of the comprehensive report. This meeting shall include the Division, Division Approved Reviewer and ACT Program. If a CCO requests to be present, the meeting invite will be forwarded to them upon request.Or. Admin. Code § 309-019-0235
MHS 11-2016(Temp), f. 6-29-16, cert. ef. 7-1-16 thru 12-27-16; MHS 18-2016, f. 11-28-16, cert. ef. 11/30/2016; MHS 1-2017(Temp), f. 1-17-17, cert. ef. 1-18-17 thru 7-16-17; MHS 6-2017, f. & cert. ef. 6/23/2017; MHS 10-2017(Temp), f. 9-15-17, cert. ef. 9-15-17 thru 3-13-18; MHS 4-2018, amend filed 02/27/2018, effective 3/1/2018; BHS 44-2023, amend filed 12/22/2023, effective 1/1/2024; BHS 32-2024, temporary amend filed 12/27/2024, effective 1/1/2025 through 6/29/2025Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 161.390, 413.042, 430.256 & 430.640
Statutes/Other Implemented: 430.254 - 430.640, 430.850 - 430.955, 743A.168, ORS 161.390 - 161.400, 428.205 - 428.270, 430.010 & 430.205 - 430.210