Or. Admin. Code § 309-019-0150
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 309-019-0150 - [Effective 6/29/2025] Community Mental Health Programs (CMHP)(1) Crisis services shall be provided directly or through linkage to a local crisis services provider and shall include the following: (a) Twenty-four hours, seven days per week telephone or face-to-face screening within one hour of notification of the crisis event to determine an individual's need for immediate community mental health services; and(b) Twenty-four hours, seven days per week capability to conduct, by or under the supervision of a QMHP, an assessment, resulting in a plan that includes the crisis services necessary to assist the individual and family to stabilize and transition to the appropriate level of care.(2) Case management services shall be provided to assist individuals with the following: (a) Gaining access to and maintaining resources such as Social Security benefits, general assistance, food stamps, vocational rehabilitation, and housing;(b) Arrangement of transportation to help them apply for benefits;(c) Referral and coordination to help individuals gain access to services and supports identified in the service plan to include but may not be limited to individuals at risk of suicide;(d) Care coordination and warm handoff processes; and(e) Assist with a follow-up visit within seven days of discharge from an acute care psychiatric hospital.(3) When significant health and safety concerns are identified, program staff shall ensure that necessary services or actions occur to address the identified health and safety needs for the individual, including services to individuals at imminent risk of suicide as determined by the assessment.(4) Peer Delivered Services shall be made available.(5) By July 1, 2018, or when the CMHP is contracted to provide the service, the CMHP or their designee shall provide mobile crisis services as a component of crisis services for individuals experiencing mental health crisis within their respective geographic service area to meet the following objectives: (a) Reduce acute psychiatric hospitalization of individuals experiencing mental health crisis; and(b) Reduce the number of individuals with mental health diagnoses who are incarcerated as a result of mental health crisis events involving law enforcement.(6) Mobile crisis services include but may not be limited to:(a) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week screening to determine the need for immediate services for any individual requesting assistance or for whom assistance is requested;(b) Within appropriate safety considerations, a face-to-face therapeutic response delivered in a public setting at locations in the community where the crisis arises, including but not limited to an individual's home, schools, residential programs, nursing homes, group home settings, and hospitals to enhance community integration;(c) Mental health crisis screening;(e) Assistance with placement in crisis respite, peer respite, or residential services as defined in OAR 309-035-0105;(f) Assistance to families and families of choice in managing suicide risk until the individual is engaged in outpatient services or when the individual is to receive services on an outpatient basis;(g) Initiation of involuntary services if applicable;(h) Assistance with hospital placement; and,(i) Connecting individuals with ongoing supports and services.(7) Each CMHP shall respond to crisis events in their respective geographic service area with the following maximum response times: (a) In "urban" areas, a mobile crisis team member shall respond from the initial call to the face to face interaction within one hour;(b) In "rural" areas, a mobile crisis team member shall respond from the initial call to the face to face interaction within two hours;(c) In "frontier" areas, a mobile crisis team member shall respond from the initial call to the face to face interaction within three hours;(d) In "rural" and "frontier" areas, a person who is trained in crisis management shall respond to the crisis event by phone call within one hour of being notified of the crisis event.(8) By July 1, 2018, each CMHP shall develop and implement policies and procedures to monitor the mobile crisis response times to include the number of instances that mobile crisis response times exceed the maximum response times and the disposition resulting from the response outlined in these rules.(9) The CMHP shall submit electronically a written quarterly report using forms and procedures prescribed by the Authority to the Division contract administrator no later than 45 calendar days following the end of each reporting quarter. The CMHP shall track and report the number of individuals receiving a mobile crisis services contact to include the following information:(a) Location of mobile crisis service;(b) Geographic area, such as urban, rural, or frontier;(d) Disposition of the mobile crisis contact.Or. Admin. Code § 309-019-0150
MHS 6-2013(Temp), f. 8-8-13, cert. ef. 8-9-13 thru 2-5-14; MHS 4-2014, f. & cert. ef. 2-3-14; MHS 26-2016(Temp), f. 12-27-16, cert. ef. 12-28-16 thru 6-23-17; MHS 1-2017(Temp), f. 1-17-17, cert. ef. 1-18-17 thru 7-16-17; MHS 6-2017, f. & cert. ef. 6/23/2017; MHS 10-2017(Temp), f. 9-15-17, cert. ef. 9-15-17 thru 3-13-18; MHS 4-2018, amend filed 02/27/2018, effective 3/1/2018; BHS 33-2024, temporary amend filed 12/27/2024, effective 1/1/2025 through 6/29/2025Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 413.042
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 430.630, 109.675, 161.390 - 161.400, 413.520 - 413.522, 430.010, 430.205 - 430.210, 430.254 - 430.640, 430.850 - 430.955, 461.549 & 743A.168