On the Oregon return, the total fiduciary adjustment was ($10,862), of which the beneficiary's share was ($6,626), leaving ($4,236) as the fiduciary's share. The fiduciary's Oregon taxable income was $13,800 ($18,036 minus $4,236), and the Oregon tax was $1,102.
In 1993, the trust distributed more DNI to the beneficiary than the current year's DNI amount, resulting in a distribution of the 1987 accumulated income. The addition to Oregon income is the taxable accumulation distribution as defined in the Internal Revenue Code, Sections 665-668. The beneficiary is also allowed an additional fiduciary adjustment amount, based on the additional 1987 DNI distributed in 1993. This additional amount is calculated as follows: [Formula not included. See ED. NOTE.]
Or. Admin. Code § 150-316-0575
Publications: The publication(s) referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule is available from the Department of Revenue pursuant to ORS 183.360(2) and ORS 183.355(6).
Attachment referenced is not included in rule text. Click here for PDF of attachment.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 305.100
Stats. Implemented: ORS 316.737