Or. Admin. Code § 137-083-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 137-083-0020 - Application Requirements(1) Eligible Applicants: (a) An applicant for the RSP grant must be a public or private non-profit agency that has demonstrated the ability to provide quality child abuse intervention services for a period of at least two years, as determined by the Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Advisory Council;(b) An applicant for the RSP grant must be a public or private non-profit agency whose mission includes the provision of services to victims of child abuse or neglect;(c) An applicant for the RSP grant must have adequately trained staff to perform child abuse medical assessments and interviews including but not limited to a physician who is trained in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of child abuse and who is licensed to practice medicine in Oregon by the Oregon Medical Board; and an interviewer who has an advanced academic degree in human services or who has comparable specialized training and experience.(2) Application Contents. An application for a Regional Service Provider grant must include the information specified in ORS 418.788(3), 418.790 (RSP applicants only) and ORS 418.792 (Child Abuse Intervention Center applicants) as well as the following: (a) Service Delivery Plan: (A) An in-depth description of how the Regional Service Provider will assure the provision of neutral, child-centered child abuse medical assessments for the purpose of determining whether a child has been abused or neglected;(B) Documented support from constituent agencies and the local MDT. The constituent support must address the level of need for the services, and how that service will be accessed by community agencies or individuals;(C) Goals, objectives and measurable outcomes for the projected funding period. The method by which the quality of services will be evaluated must be included in the service delivery plan;(D) For RSP applicants, the service delivery plan must include the requirements set forth in ORS 418.790(1).(b) For RSP applicants, information which demonstrates how and to what extent the applicant proposes to provide consultation, education, training and technical assistance to local MDT's, community assessment centers, and others as may be appropriate. A description of services shall include documentation demonstrating that potential recipients of any of the above services have been provided a reasonable opportunity to provide input into the proposed service delivery plan;(c) For RSP applicants, a projected budget for the expenses associated with the provision of consultation, education, training, referral and technical assistance or other services as may be approved by the Department of Justice. Expenses may include, but are not limited to personnel, training, equipment, rent, supplies, travel, telephone or other communication charges. The budget for the services provided as a RSP must be clearly differentiated from those of the direct victim services provided as a Child Abuse Intervention Center;(d) Any additional information requested by the CAMI Account Coordinator.(3) Referral of Complex Cases. RSP's shall assure that they will provide access for CAICs and MDT's for referral of complex cases. RSP's, CAICs and MDT's shall have an agreement regarding how referrals and services may be made, who can make a referral, and if desired, more specificity regarding the definition of a complex case. The method for contacting the regional centers shall be updated as needed, and distributed by the CAMI Account Coordinator and RSPs, to all CAICs and MDT coordinators.Or. Admin. Code § 137-083-0020
DOJ 1-2003, f. 2-28-03, cert. ef. 3-1-03; DOJ 2-2011, f. 3-30-11, cert. ef. 4-1-11Stat. Auth.: ORS 418.782 - 418.793
Stats. Implemented: ORS 418.780 - 418.796