Or. Admin. Code § 137-048-0200

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 137-048-0200 - Direct Appointment Procedure
(1) Contracting Agencies may enter into a Contract directly with a Consultant without following the selection procedures set forth elsewhere in these rules if:
(a) Emergency. Contracting Agency finds that an Emergency exists; or
(b) Small Estimated Fee. The Estimated Fee to be paid under the Contract does not exceed $100,000; or
(c) Continuation of Project With Intermediate Estimated Fee. For Contracting Agencies where a Project is being continued, as more particularly described below, and where the Estimated Fee will not exceed $250,000, the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services to be performed under the Contract must meet the following requirements:
(A) The services consist of or are related to Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services that have been substantially described, planned or otherwise previously studied in an earlier Contract with the same Consultant and are rendered for the same Project as the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services rendered under the earlier Contract;
(B) The Estimated Fee to be made under the Contract does not exceed $250,000; and
(C) The Contracting Agency used either the formal selection procedure under OAR 137-048-0220 (Formal Selection Procedure) or the formal selection procedure applicable to selection of the Consultant at the time of original selection to select the Consultant for the earlier Contract; or
(d) Continuation of Project With Extensive Estimated Fee. For Contracting Agencies where a Project is being continued, as more particularly described below, and where the Estimated Fee is expected to exceed $250,000, the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services to be performed under the Contract must meet the following requirements:
(A) The services consist of or are related to Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services that have been substantially described, planned or otherwise previously studied under an earlier Contract with the same Consultant and are rendered for the same Project as the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services rendered under the earlier Contract;
(B) The Contracting Agency used either the formal selection procedure under OAR 137-048-0220 (Formal Selection Procedure) or the formal selection procedure applicable to selection of the Consultant at the time of original selection to select the Consultant for the earlier Contract; and
(C) The Contracting Agency makes written findings that entering into a Contract with the Consultant, whether in the form of an amendment to an existing Contract or a separate Contract for the additional scope of services, will:
(i) Promote efficient use of public funds and resources and result in substantial cost savings to the Contracting Agency; and,
(ii) Protect the integrity of the Public Contracting process and the competitive nature of the Procurement by not encouraging favoritism or substantially diminishing competition in the award of the Contract.
(2) Contracting Agencies may select a Consultant for a Contract under this rule from the following sources:
(a) The Contracting Agency's list of Consultants that is created under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record);
(b) Another Contracting Agency's list of Consultants that the Contracting Agency has created under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record), with written consent of that Contracting Agency; or
(c) All Consultants offering the required Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services that the Contracting Agency reasonably can identify under the circumstances.
(3) As part of the Contracting Agency's assessment of the qualifications of any Consultant being considered for award of a Contract under this rule, the Contracting Agency can, at any time before entering into a contract with the Consultant, consider information pertaining to whether the Consultant owes a liquidated and delinquent debt to the State of Oregon.
(4) The Contracting Agency shall direct Contract negotiations with a Consultant selected under this rule toward discussing, refining and finalizing the following:
(a) The specific scope of Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services to be provided by the Consultant;
(b) The Consultant's performance obligations and performance schedule;
(c) Payment methodology, Consultant's rates and number of hours, and a maximum amount payable to the Consultant for the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services required under the Contract that is fair and reasonable to the Contracting Agency, as determined solely by the Contracting Agency, taking into account the value, scope, complexity and nature of the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services; and
(d) Any other conditions or provisions the Contracting Agency believes to be in the Contracting Agency's best interest to negotiate.

Or. Admin. Code § 137-048-0200

DOJ 11-2004, f. 9-1-04, cert. ef. 3-1-05; DOJ 20-2005, f. 12-27-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DOJ 19-2007, f. 12-28-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08; DOJ 15-2009, f. 12-1-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10; DOJ 10-2011, f. 11-29-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12; DOJ 15-2019, amend filed 12/23/2019, effective 1/1/2020

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 279A.065, OL 2011 & ch 458

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 279C110 & 279C.115, OL 2011 & ch 458