Or. Admin. Code § 123-019-0070
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 123-019-0070 - Confidential Records(1) Upon written request and within a reasonable time, the Department shall provide nonexempt loan program records for inspection in accordance with ORS Chapter 192.(2) The person requesting inspection of the records may be charged in advance the Department's cost for locating, compiling, copying, and mailing the records. Such costs shall include but not be limited to costs incurred in locating records, separating exempt and nonexempt records, having a custodian present during the inspection, preparing lists of data, making photocopies, and telefaxing materials. Fees to be collected shall be set forth in the Department's schedule of fees and may be amended from time to time as the Department in its sole discretion may determine.(3) Except as otherwise provided in ORS Chapter 192, records exempt from disclosure include but are not limited to:(a) Reports and analyses of reports obtained in confidence from creditors, employers, customers, suppliers, and others which bear on the Applicant's character, finances, management ability, and reliability and which were obtained from persons or firms not required by law to submit them;(b) Financial statements, tax returns, business records, employment history and other personal data submitted by or for Applicants, or analysis of such data;(c) Interdepartmental advisory memoranda prior to a loan decision;(d) Formulas, plans, designs and related information which constitute trade secrets under ORS Chapter 192;(e) Personal financial statements;(f) Financial statements of Applicants;(h) Information of an Applicant pertaining to litigation to which the Applicant is a party if the complaint has been filed, or if the complaint has not been filed, if the Applicant shows that such litigation is reasonably likely to occur. This exemption does not apply to litigation which has been concluded and nothing in this section shall limit any right or opportunity granted by discovery or deposition statutes to a party to litigation or potential litigation;(i) Production, sales or cost data; and(j) Marketing strategy information that relates to an Applicant's plan to address specific markets and Applicant's strategy regarding specific competitors.Or. Admin. Code § 123-019-0070
EDD 16-1991(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-8-91; EDD 12-1992, f. & cert. ef. 8-26-92; OBDD 10-2010(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 4-12-10 thru 10-9-10; OBDD 34-2010, f. & cert. ef. 10-1-10; OBDD 4-2022, temporary amend filed 03/09/2022, effective 03/09/2022 through 09/02/2022; OBDD 1-2023, amend filed 01/18/2023, effective 1/18/2023Statutory/Other Authority: ORS.192.410-192.505 & ORS 285A.075
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS.192.410 -192.505, 285A.075, Ch.765 & OL 1993