Or. Admin. Code § 111-080-0030
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 111-080-0030 - Appeals and Administrative Reviews(1) Eligibility, enrollment issues or rescissions. OEBB has an Appeal process consisting of three levels that a member can use if they disagree with an eligibility determination or enrollment record. If the appeal is a result of a rescission, or a determination that the benefit is not a covered benefit, coverage will continue pending the outcome of the appeal. These three levels are: (a) Appeal. An Appeal is the first level and must be received by OEBB in writing. OEBB staff will respond to all appeals within 30 days of receipt. OEBB staff gathers all information and sets up the Appeal file. OEBB Staff reviews the Appeal and makes a decision. The member is then notified in writing of the OEBB staff's decision. If the decision is an adverse benefit determination, the notice will include the specific reason(s) for the decision, a reference to the specific plan provision or OAR on which the determination was based a description of any additional information required and a description of the OEBB appeals process.(b) Request for Reconsideration. A Request for Reconsideration is the second level and can be used if the member is not satisfied with the outcome on their Appeal. The request by the member must be received in writing within 31 days of receiving the Appeal decision notification. OEBB staff requests any additional information needed and includes in the Appeal file. The OEBB Management Team reviews all the information contained in the file (from the Appeal and the Request for Reconsideration) and makes a decision. The member is then notified in writing of the OEBB Management Team's decision. If the decision is an adverse benefit determination, the notice will include the specific reason(s) for the decision, a reference to the specific plan provision or OAR on which the determination was based, a description of any additional information required and a description of the OEBB appeals process.(c) Administrative Review Request. An Administrative Review Request is the third level and can be used if the member is not satisfied with the outcome on their Request for Reconsideration. The request by the member must be in writing OEBB staff requests any additional information and adds it to the Appeal file. OEBB staff will schedule an Administrative Review Committee meeting. OEBB staff will notify the member and all applicable parties of the date, time and location. At the meeting, the Administrative Review Request will be presented to the Administrative Review Committee members and after considering all documentation and possible public comment, a decision is made. The Administrative Review Committee has the authority to grant exceptions to OEBB's Administrative Rules when there are extenuating circumstances which can be supported by documentation and verified by OEBB staff. All such documentation will be included in the member's Appeal file. The member will be notified in writing of the Administrative Review Committee's decision. If the decision is an adverse benefit determination, the notice will include the specific reason(s) for the decision, a reference to the specific plan provision or OAR on which the determination was based a description of any additional information required and a description of the OEBB appeals process.(2) Benefit and claim issues. Following the Insurance Carrier's appeals process, a member can request an administrative review by OEBB. An Administrative Review Request can be made to OEBB if the member is not satisfied with the outcome after completing the carrier's appeal process. OEBB staff gathers all information and sets up the file. The OEBB Contracts Officer will complete an initial review of the file to ensure it is limited to a determination of whether or not a service or benefit was intended to be covered under the current contract. The initial review will assess whether there is documentation contained within the contract or member handbook relating to the benefit that was denied. If the Administrative Review request does not meet the specified criteria the Contracts Officer will refer it to the OEBB Management Team and the member will be notified in writing of the OEBB Management Team's decision. If the request does meet the specified criteria, OEBB staff will schedule an Administrative Review Committee meeting. OEBB staff will notify the member and all applicable parties of the date, time and location. At the meeting, the Administrative Review Request will be presented to the Administrative Review Committee. They will consider all documentation and public comment and make a decision in accordance with the information presented. The member will be notified in writing of the Administrative Review Committee's decision. If the decision is an adverse benefit determination, the notice will include the specific reason(s) for the decision, a reference to the specific plan provision or OAR on which the determination was based a description of any additional information required and a description of the OEBB appeals process.Or. Admin. Code § 111-080-0030
OEBB 17-2008(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-16-08 thru 4-13-09; OEBB 7-2009, f. 3-24-09, cert. ef. 4-1-09; OEBB 18-2009(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-26-09 thru 4-23-10; OEBB 5-2010(Temp), f. & cert. e.f 4-26-10 thru 10-22-10; OEBB 15-2010, f. 9-29-30, cert. ef. 10-1-10; OEBB 7-2012(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 4-20-12 thru 10-16-12; OEBB 12-2012, f. & cert. ef. 10-9-12; OEBB 9-2017, amend filed 11/07/2017, effective 11/7/2017Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 243.860 - 243.886
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 243.864(1)(a)