Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0170
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 104-080-0170 - Databases(1) When interoperability of the emergency communications system requires a provider to share its ANI and ALI information or any other database information with another provider, the provider shall do so, subject to a Department-approved implementation method.(2) The selective routing database contained within each approved selective routing device must be maintained by the provider of the selective routing device in a manner that accurately reflects the most recent issuance or change of address, service or service account datum within 48 hours of the change.(3) A provider is responsible for making subscriber information data available through an ANI and ALI database query to the requesting PSAP at the time the PSAP receives or handles an emergency call.(4) Unless approved by the Department, a provider may not require a PSAP to query more than one ALI database for all emergency calls received by the PSAP.(5) A provider of an ANI and ALI database is responsible for the provider-based MSAG process, including compilation and continued maintenance. A provider must incorporate into the MSAG changes submitted by a PSAP within 72 hours of the submission.(6) A provider must make available ANI and ALI information to all PSAPs upon receipt of an emergency call and may not control or limit the PSAP's access.(7) ALI information must include the following, if available:(a) Area code and ANI information of caller;(c) Time in 24-hour format;(d) Non-published designation when requested by the caller;(h) Pilot or P-ANI number (if wireless);(i) Prefix or post directional;(j) Street name including type;(k) Location information;(l) Emergency service number;(o) Office approved class of service;(p) Caller's service provider;(q) Latitude and longitude information of wireless caller location for Phase II wireless, or that of the cell tower for Phase I;(r) Wireless confidence intervals and reliability factors;(s) Caller's elevation, speed, and direction of travel if available;(u) Emergency service number English translation.(8) Ownership of the MSAG is jointly held between the primary PSAP, the provider, and the Department.(9) The MSAG Coordinator in each 9-1-1 jurisdiction must coordinate with the ANI and ALI database provider to provide for MSAG updates into the ANI and ALI database. MSAG updates may be made as frequently as necessary for the 9-1-1 jurisdiction, but no less frequently than monthly.(10) All 9-1-1 geographic information data shall be delivered to and shared with the Department. The Department may use, manipulate, process, and store all 9-1-1 GIS data according to industry best practices.(11) All GIS data must be delivered to the Department in a standard data model[1], format[2], and method as set by the Department.Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0170
OEM 3-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12/1/2015; OEM 2-2018, amend filed 11/02/2018, effective 11/2/2018; OEM 25-2023, minor correction filed 04/10/2023, effective 4/10/2023Publications [1]: Publications referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the Department and are also available at https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nena.org/resource/resmgr/standards/nena-sta-006_ng9-1-1_gis_dat.pdf
Publications [2]: Publications referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the Office and are also available at https://www.oregon.gov/OEM/Documents/oregonali_aliaqor.pdf
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 403.120; 2015 HB 2426
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 403 & 2015 HB 2426