Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0110
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 104-080-0110 - Requirements of the Department(1) Upon written notice to the 9-1-1 jurisdiction and the primary PSAP, the Department may audit the 9-1-1 jurisdiction or the primary PSAP for compliance with the 9-1-1 jurisdiction plan, ORS 403.100 to 403.165 and ORS 403.235 to 403.250, and OAR chapter 104, division 080.(2) The Department shall collect and maintain a list of contact information for each primary and secondary PSAP and make the list available on the Department's website, including:(b) Physical or mailing address;(c) 10-digit 24-hour emergency number;(d) 10-digit 24-hour non-emergency number; and(e) Name(s) and title of primary point of contact.(3) The Department shall collect and maintain an itemized list of the CPE necessary to receive emergency calls through the 9-1-1 emergency communications system, including the equipment lifespan described by the manufacturer, and the equipment's update and maintenance schedule.(4) The Department shall approve or reject all ESNs requested by a primary PSAP for use in the 9-1-1 GIS, MSAG and ALI databases. The Department will make a reasonable attempt to prevent duplication of these ESNs, validate that the number aligns with the designated block of ESN numbers, and ensure compatibility with the Oregon ALI Format[1]. The Department may, as required, assign or direct reassignment of ESNs to prevent unnecessary duplication, confusion or misrouting of emergency calls.(5) The Department shall coordinate and oversee the implementation of 9-1-1 GIS in Oregon, which may include the following activities:(a) Identify and adopt technical standards and requirements;(b) Identify and establish procedures for 9-1-1 GIS data maintenance;(c) Identify and establish development of critical GIS data layers for use in current and future mapping systems and 9-1-1 functional elements; and(d) Define and establish a standard GIS data model[2] to be used for the development, transfer, and storage of critical GIS data layers.Or. Admin. Code § 104-080-0110
OEM 3-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12/1/2015; OEM 2-2018, amend filed 11/02/2018, effective 11/2/2018; OEM 19-2023, minor correction filed 04/07/2023, effective 4/7/2023Publications [1]: Publications referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the Department and are also available at https://www.oregon.gov/OEM/Documents/oregonali_aliaqor.pdf
Publications [2]: Publications referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the Department and are also available at https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nena.org/resource/resmgr/standards/nena-sta-006_ng9-1-1_gis_dat.pdf
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 403.120; 2015 HB 2426
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 403 & 2015 HB 2426