Chapter 70 - Tobacco, Tobacco Products, and Cigarettes
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions (§§ 710:70-1-1 — 710:70-1-2)
- Subchapter 2 - Cigarette Stamp Tax (§§ 710:70-2-1 — 710:70-2-52)
- Subchapter 3 - Unfair Cigarette and Tobacco Products Sales (§§ 710:70-3-1 — 710:70-3-8)
- Subchapter 5 - Excise on Tobacco Products (§§ 710:70-5-1 — 710:70-5-14)
- Subchapter 7 - Cigarette and Tobacco Products Sales by Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Nations (§§ 710:70-7-1 — 710:70-7-10)
- Subchapter 9 - Reporting Required by the Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco Act and the Master Settlement Agreement Complementary Act (§§ 710:70-9-1 — 710:70-9-5)