Subchapter 9 - Refunds
- Section 710:50-9-1 - Refunds
- Section 710:50-9-2 - Statute of limitations on refunds
- Section 710:50-9-3 - Interest on refunds
- Section 710:50-9-4 - Refunds returned by postal service [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-9-5 - Distribution of refunds [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-9-6 - Refunds less than $1.00
- Section 710:50-9-7 - Refund vouchers void after 90 days
- Section 710:50-9-8 - Reissued vouchers for deceased taxpayer refunds or lost, stolen or forged vouchers
- Section 710:50-9-9 - Different spouse refunds [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-9-10 - Checkoff program