Subchapter 11 - Intercept of Refunds
- Section 710:50-11-1 - Refunds may be intercepted [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-11-2 - Notice to taxpayer [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-11-3 - Notice of protest [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-11-4 - Joint returns intercept [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-11-4.1 - Definition of a qualifying entity
- Section 710:50-11-5 - Refunds shall be intercepted
- Section 710:50-11-6 - Priority of claims; procedures
- Section 710:50-11-7 - Notice to taxpayer
- Section 710:50-11-8 - Post intercept notice [REVOKED]
- Section 710:50-11-9 - Joint returns intercept
- Section 710:50-11-10 - Nondebtor spouse protest
- Section 710:50-11-11 - Notification after final determination at hearing
- Section 710:50-11-12 - Debts owed to the Internal Revenue Service