Chapter 25 - Business Enterprise Program
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions [Revoked] (§§ 612:25-1-1 — 612:25-1-3)
- Subchapter 2 - General Provisions (§§ 612:25-2-1 — 612:25-2-9)
- Subchapter 3 - Vending Facility Program [Revoked] (§§ 612:25-3-1 — 612:25-3-15)
- Subchapter 4 - The State Licensing Agency (§§ 612:25-4-1 — 612:25-4-76)
- Subchapter 5 - Program Operation and Procedures [Revoked] (§§ 612:25-5-1 — 612:25-5-49)
- Subchapter 6 - Licensed Managers and Business Enterprise Operation (§§ 612:25-6-1 — 612:25-6-33)
- Appendix A - Application for Authority to Establish a Vending Facility in a State, County or Municipal Building [Revoked]
- Appendix B - Placement Announcement [Revoked]
- Appendix C - Retirement Program Option [Revoked]