Chapter 30 - Labeling Requirements
- Section 475:30-1-1 - Purpose
- Section 475:30-1-2 - Persons entitled to issue prescriptions
- Section 475:30-1-3 - Purpose of issuance of prescriptions
- Section 475:30-1-4 - Manner of issuance of prescriptions
- Section 475:30-1-5 - Dispensing of narcotic drugs during scientific research
- Section 475:30-1-6 - Requirements of prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances listed in Schedule II
- Section 475:30-1-7 - Partial filling of Schedule II prescriptions
- Section 475:30-1-8 - Labeling of substances for institutionalized persons [REVOKED]
- Section 475:30-1-9 - Filling of emergency prescriptions [REVOKED]
- Section 475:30-1-10 - Requirements of prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances listed in Schedules III and IV
- Section 475:30-1-11 - Refilling of prescriptions; issuance of multiple prescriptions
- Section 475:30-1-12 - Partial filling of Schedules III, IV, and V prescriptions
- Section 475:30-1-13 - Requirements of prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances listed in Schedule V
- Section 475:30-1-14 - Dispensing, prescribing, administering, or distributing without prescription
- Section 475:30-1-15 - Identification requirement