Subchapter 8 - Penalties
- Section 460:30-8-1 - Scope
- Section 460:30-8-2 - Objective
- Section 460:30-8-3 - Assessments determinations
- Section 460:30-8-4 - Penalty assessments
- Section 460:30-8-5 - Point system for assessments
- Section 460:30-8-6 - Determination of amount of penalty
- Section 460:30-8-7 - Assessment of separate violations for each day
- Section 460:30-8-8 - Waiver of use of formula to determine assessment amount
- Section 460:30-8-9 - Procedures for the assessment of penalties
- Section 460:30-8-10 - Procedures for assessment conference
- Section 460:30-8-11 - Request for hearing
- Section 460:30-8-12 - Final assessment and payment of penalty
- Section 460:30-8-13 - Use of collected penalties for reclamation