Subchapter 3 - CCB Placement Applications
- Section 460:30-3-1 - Insurance
- Section 460:30-3-2 - Environmental resources information; Cultural
- Section 460:30-3-3 - Environmental resources information: Hydrologic (§ 460:30-3-3)
- Section 460:30-3-5 - Environmental resources information: Soils
- Section 460:30-3-6 - CCB placement: General
- Section 460:30-3-7 - CCB placement: Analysis
- Section 460:30-3-8 - CCB placement: Hydrologic balance protection
- Section 460:30-3-9 - Mining permit maps: General
- Section 460:30-3-10 - Mining permit maps and cross sections: Environmental resources
- Section 460:30-3-11 - Mining permit maps: Operations and reclamation plan