Okla. Admin. Code § 460:30-1-3
All of the definitions contained within OAC 460:10 and OAC 460:20 shall be applicable to this Chapter. In addition, the following terms used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings, unless otherwise defined:
"Artesian waters" means ground water under sufficient pressure to force the water above surface level when a sufficient conduit is present.
"Ash" means the residue left over from the combustion of bituminous, anthracite, or lignite coal as part of the process used to generate electrical energy.
"Cement Kiln Dust" (CKD) means the residue recovered from the combustion of bituminous, anthracite, or lignite coal along with various alternate fuels as part of the process used to produce cement.
"Coal Combustion By-products" (CCB) means ash and cement kiln dust.
"Cover" means earthen materials used to temporarily or permanently cover CCB.
"Intermediate cover" means the application of earthen material, water, or other substance approved by the Department during active CCB placement operations to stabilize exposed CCB to arrest the formation of fugitive dust.
"pH" means the indication of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.
"Placement" means the propitious deposition of CCB in a location that at the time the application is submitted is not anticipated to be later reutilized, recycled, or otherwise incorporated into products or utilized to provide a service.
"T.C.L.P" means Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure.
"Total Dissolved Solids" (TDS) means the solids in water that can pass through a filter and is a measure of the amount of material dissolved in water.
"Total Suspended Solids" (TSS) or nonfilterable residue, expressed as milligrams per liter, means organic or inorganic materials carried or held in suspension in water which are retained by a standard glass fiber filter in the procedure outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency's regulations for waste water and analyses ( 40 CFR 136 ).
"Wetland" means those lands subject to periodic or seasonal flooding by water as defined under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and so designated by the State or Federal agency charged with making such determination.
Okla. Admin. Code § 460:30-1-3