Okla. Admin. Code § 450:15-1-2
The following words or terms, when used in this Chapter shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Abuse" means the causing or permitting of harm or threatened harm to the health, safety, or welfare of a consumer by staff responsible for the consumer's health, safety, or welfare, including but not limited to:
"Advocate" means an employee of the Office of Consumer Advocacy, who provides assistance to consumers in exercising their rights, listens to their concerns, encourages them to speak for themselves, seeks to resolve problems, helps protect their rights, and seeks to improve the quality of the consumer's life and care.
"Advocate General" means the chief administrative officer of the ODMHSAS Office of Consumer Advocacy.
"Board" means Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
"Community mental health center" or "CMHC" means a facility offering a comprehensive array of community-based mental health services, including but not limited to, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization, emergency care, consultation and education; and, certain services at the option of the center, including, but not limited to, prescreening, rehabilitation services, pre-care and aftercare, training programs, and research and evaluation.
"Comprehensive basis of accounting" means a system of accounting other than GAAP, including but not limited to statutory basis, cash basis, or tax basis.
"Consumer" means an individual, adult or child, who has applied for, is receiving or has received mental health or substance abuse evaluation or treatment services from a facility operated or certified by ODMHSAS or with which ODMHSAS contracts.
"Consumer committee" or " Consumer government" means any established group within the facility comprised of consumers, led by consumers and which meets regularly to address consumer concerns to support the overall operations of the facility.
"Correctional institution" means any penal or correctional facility, jail, reformatory, detention center, work farm, halfway house or residential community program operated by, or under contract to, the United States, a State, a territory, a political subdivision of a State or territory, or an Indian tribe, for the confinement or rehabilitation of persons charged with or convicted of a criminal offense, or other persons held in lawful custody. Other persons held in lawful custody includes juvenile offenders adjudicated delinquent, aliens detained awaiting deportation, persons committed to mental institutions through the criminal justice system, witnesses, or others awaiting charges or trial.
"Crisis stabilization" means emergency, psychiatric, and substance abuse services for the resolution of crisis situations and may include placement of an individual in a protective environment, basic supportive care, and medical assessment, and, if needed, referral to an ODMHSAS certified facility having nursing and medical support available.
"Critical incident" means an occurrence or set of events inconsistent with the routine operations of a facility, service setting, or otherwise routine care of a consumer. Critical incidents specifically include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: adverse drug events; self-destructive behavior; deaths and injuries to consumers, staff, and visitors; medication errors; residential consumers that are absent without leave (AWOL); neglect or abuse of a consumer; fire; unauthorized disclosure of information; damage to or theft of property belonging to consumers or the facility; other unexpected occurrences; or events potentially subject to litigation. A critical incident may involve multiple individuals or results.
"Department" or "ODMHSAS" means the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse services.
"Designated record set" means health information, in any medium including paper, oral, video, electronic, film, audio and digital, maintained by or for facilities operated by ODMHSAS for the purpose, in whole or in part, for making decisions about a consumer, that is:
"Emergency detention" means the detention of a person who appears to be a person requiring treatment in a facility approved by the Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services as appropriate for such detention after the completion of an emergency examination and a determination that emergency detention is warranted for a period not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) hours, excluding weekends and holidays, except upon a court order authorizing detention beyond a one hundred twenty-hour period or pending the hearing on a petition requesting involuntary commitment or treatment as provided by 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes.
"Emergency examination" means the examination of a person who appears to be a mentally ill person, an alcohol-dependent person, or drug-dependent person and a person requiring treatment, and whose condition is such that it appears that emergency detention may be warranted, by a licensed mental health professional to determine if emergency detention of the person is warranted.
"Exploitation" or "exploit" means an unjust or improper use of the resources of a consumer for the profit or advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, of a person other than the consumer through the use of undue influence, coercion, harassment, duress, deception, false representation or false pretense.
"Facility" means a public or private agency, corporation, partnership, or other entity operated or certified by ODMHSAS or with which ODMHSAS contracts to provide the physical custody, detention or treatment of consumers.
"Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles" or "GAAP" means the authoritative set of accounting principles, standards, and procedures.
"Guardian" means a person appointed by a court to ensure the essential requirements for the health and safety of an incapacitated or partially incapacitated person. As used in this subchapter, guardian includes a general or limited guardian of the person, a general or limited guardian of the estate, a special guardian, and a temporary guardian.
"Licensed mental health professional" or "LMHP" means a practitioner who meets qualifications as defined in Title 43A § 1-103(11).
"Maltreatment" means abuse, neglect, exploitation, mistreatment, sexual abuse or exploitation, verbal abuse, and rights violations.
"Minor" means any person under the age of 18 years except any person convicted of a crime specified in Section 7306-1.1 of Title 10 of the Oklahoma Statutes or any person who has been certified as an adult pursuant to Section 7303-4.3 of Title 10 and convicted of a felony.
"Mistreatment" means an act or omission that results in or creates an unreasonable risk of harm to a consumer and that also:
"Money" means any legal tender, note, draft, certificate of deposit, stock, bond, check or credit card.
"Neglect" means:
"Oklahoma Administrative Code" or "OAC" means the publication authorized by 75 O.S. §256 known as The Oklahoma Administrative Code, or, prior to its publication, the compilation of codified rules authorized by 75 O.S. §256(A)(1)(a) and maintained in the Office of Administrative Rules.
"ODMHSAS" means the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
"Program of Assertive Community Treatment" or "PACT" is a clinical program that provides continuous treatment, rehabilitation, and support services to persons with mental illness in settings that are natural to the consumer.
"Privacy Officer" means the employee of ODMHSAS designated to provide guidance on state and federal privacy laws.
"Program" means a structured set of activities designed and structured to achieve specific objectives relative to the needs of the clients.
"Resident" means a person residing in a residential care facility certified by ODMHSAS.
"Resident committee" or "Resident government" means any established group within the facility comprised of residents, led by residents and which meets regularly to address resident concerns to support the overall operations of the facility.
"Residential care facility" or "RCF" means any house, home, establishment or institution licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Residential Care Home Act 63 O.S., §§1-819 through 1-840, other than a hotel, fraternity or sorority house, or college or university dormitory, which is certified pursuant to 43 O.S. §3-315 as a Community Residential Mental Health Facility and offers or provides residential accommodations, food service and supportive assistance to its residents or houses any resident requiring supportive assistance that are ambulatory, essentially capable of managing their own affairs and not routinely requiring nursing care or intermediate care.
"Restraint" means manual, mechanical and chemical methods that are intended to restrict the movement or normal functioning of a portion of an individual's body.
"Seclusion" means the placement of an individual or individuals alone in a room or other area from which egress is prevented by a physical barrier, or some other means.
"Sentinel event" means a type of critical incident that is an unexpected occurrence involving the death or serious physical or psychological injury to a consumer, staff member, or visitor, or risk thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function. The phrase "or risk thereof" includes a variation in approved processes which could carry a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome. These events signal the need for immediate investigation and response. Sentinel events include, but are not limited to, suicide, homicide, assault and other forms of violence, including domestic violence or sexual assault, and adverse drug events resulting in serious injury or death. Sentinel events include occurrences that take place at the facility and/or during the delivery of services, as well as suicide and unintentional drug overdose deaths that occur at any time while an outpatient consumer is an active consumer and within seventy-two (72) hours of discharge from inpatient and residential settings, including sites certified under Chapter 23 of this Title.
"Sexual abuse" means:
"Sexual exploitation" by staff with regard to a consumer means:
"Staff" means an agent or employee of a public or private institution or facility responsible for the care of a client or consumer and providing services to the client or consumer.
"Treatment Advocate" means a family member or other concerned individual designated by a consumer to participate in treatment and discharge planning, and acts in the best interest of and serves as an advocate for the consumer.
"Verbal abuse" means the use of words, sounds, or other communication including, but not limited to, gestures, actions or behaviors by staff that are likely to cause a reasonable person to experience humiliation, intimidation, fear, shame or degradation.
Okla. Admin. Code § 450:15-1-2
Added at 10 Ok Reg 4093, eff 7-26-93 ; Amended at 15 Ok Reg 2743, eff 7-1-98 ; Amended at 19 Ok Reg 1363, eff 7-1-02 ; Amended at 20 Ok Reg 654, eff 2-27-03 (emergency); Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2110, eff 7-1-03 ; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 1726, eff 7-1-04 ; Amended at 23 Ok Reg 1412, eff 7-1-06 ; Amended at 25 Ok Reg 2518, eff 7-11-08 ; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2671, eff 7-25-09 ; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 1005, eff 7-1-10 ; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 903, eff 7-1-11 ; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1405, eff 7-1-13