Subchapter 23 - Community Mental Health Treatment Services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-1 - General services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-2 - Availability of services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-3 - Screening/intake and assessment services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-4 - Referral services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-5 - Emergency services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-6 - Outpatient counseling services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-7 - Case management services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-8 - Services to homeless individuals [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-9 - Therapeutic day programs [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-10 - Medication clinic [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-11 - Pharmaceutical services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-12 - Rehabilitation services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-13 - Intensive crisis stabilization programs [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-14 - Community living programs [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-15 - Residential treatment [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-16 - Transitional living programs [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-17 - Supervised apartment/housing program [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-18 - Sponsored apartment/housing programs [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-19 - Community lodge programs [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-20 - Sponsor family program [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-21 - Psychiatric treatment programs/units in general hospitals [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-22 - Inpatient services within the community mental health setting [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-23 - Dietetic services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-24 - Community consultation and education services [REVOKED]
- Section 450:13-23-25 - Admissions to state operated psychiatric hospitals [REVOKED]