Chapter 30 - Sale of School Land
- Section 385:30-1-1 - Purpose
- Section 385:30-1-2 - Determination to offer school land for sale
- Section 385:30-1-3 - Request for sale of school land
- Section 385:30-1-4 - Appraisal
- Section 385:30-1-5 - Reservation of minerals
- Section 385:30-1-6 - Review of appraisal; decision to sell
- Section 385:30-1-7 - Associated costs and purchase requirements
- Section 385:30-1-8 - Terms of sale
- Section 385:30-1-8.1 - Procedure for public bidding; preference right to purchase
- Section 385:30-1-9 - Certificates of purchase; transfer