Okla. Admin. Code § 376:1-1-13
Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 376:1-1-13 - Request for promulgation, amendment or repeal of a rule(a) Any person may request the Council adopt, amend or repeal a rule in this chapter. The request shall be typewritten, signed by the person requesting the rule, amendment to a rule, or repeal of a rule, and submitted to the Council office. It shall include an explanation to support the request. A request shall also include: (1) the name, address and telephone number of the person making the request;(2) the name, address and telephone number of the agency or organization the person represents, if any;(3) the number used to identify the rule if the request is to amend or repeal an existing rule; and,(4) the proposed language if the request is to amend an existing rule or adopt a new rule.(b) The Administrative Secretary shall maintain a permanent record of the requests for rules.(c) The Council may consider the request at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If the Council determines that the proposed rule, amendment or repeal is not necessary, the request will be denied. Action on the request may be deferred pending the acquisition of additional information, investigation or public hearing.(d) The Council may require the petitioner to provide additional information. Failure to provide the requested additional information shall constitute grounds for the Council to take no action on the request.(e) At a public hearing on the rules, proponents and opponents of the proposed rules, amendment or repeal of a rule may be heard in the manner and order set by the Council at the public hearing.(f) The Council shall advise the person making the request of any meeting at which the request is to be considered and the final action taken by the Council.Okla. Admin. Code § 376:1-1-13
Added as 376:10-1-7 at 16 Ok Reg 75, eff 7-29-98 (emergency); Added at 16 Ok Reg 2531, eff 6-25-99