- Section 340:50-5-85 - Work registration
- Section 340:50-5-86 - Persons exempt from work registration
- Section 340:50-5-87 - Work registration procedures
- Section 340:50-5-88 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E and T) Program [REVOKED]
- Section 340:50-5-89 - Voluntary quit and reduction of work effort
- Section 340:50-5-90 - Determination of the head of household [REVOKED]
- Section 340:50-5-91 - Determination of voluntary quit [REVOKED]
- Section 340:50-5-92 - Good cause determination for voluntary quit or reduction in work effort
- Section 340:50-5-93 - Verification [REVOKED]
- Section 340:50-5-94 - Penalty for voluntary quit
- Section 340:50-5-95 - Ending voluntary quit disqualification [REVOKED]
- Section 340:50-5-96 - Reapplication during the disqualification period [REVOKED]
- Section 340:50-5-97 - Voucher-authorized child care for Employment and Training (E and T) activities [REVOKED]