Chapter 681 - Medical Marijuana Regulations [Revoked]
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-1-1 — 310:681-1-9.1)
- Subchapter 2 - Medical Marijuana Licenses [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-2-1 — 310:681-2-13)
- Subchapter 3 - Transporter License [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-3-1 — 310:681-3-6)
- Subchapter 4 - Research Facilities and Education Facilities [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-4-1 — 310:681-4-6)
- Subchapter 5 - Medical Marijuana Businesses [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-5-1 — 310:681-5-19)
- Subchapter 6 - Commercial Licensees [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-6-1 — 310:681-6-11)
- Subchapter 7 - Packaging, Labeling, and Advertising [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-7-1 — 310:681-7-3)
- Subchapter 8 - Laboratory Testing [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-8-1 — 310:681-8-7)
- Subchapter 9 - Waste disposal Facilities [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-9-1 — 310:681-9-9)
- Subchapter 10 - Receivership [Revoked] (§§ 310:681-10-1 — 310:681-10-4)
- Appendix A - Testing Thresholds [Revoked]
- Appendix B - LQC Results [Revoked]
- Appendix C - Schedule of Fines [Revoked]
- Appendix D - Sample Collection for Final Medical Marijuana Products [Revoked]
- Appendix E - Sample Collection for Pre-Rolls [Revoked]