Chapter 360 - Solid Waste Management Regulations [Revoked]
- Subchapter 1 - General Provisions [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-1-1 — 310:360-1-4)
- Subchapter 3 - Water Protection and Monitoring Requirements [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-3-1 — 310:360-3-4)
- Subchapter 5 - Operational Standards [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-5-1 — 310:360-5-7)
- Subchapter 7 - Permit Provisions and Procedures [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-7-1 — 310:360-7-5)
- Subchapter 9 - Application Information Requirements [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-9-1 — 310:360-9-12)
- Subchapter 11 - Land Application of Treatment Plant Sludges [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-11-1 — 310:360-11-6)
- Subchapter 13 - Waste Collection and Transportation [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-13-1 — 310:360-13-6)
- Subchapter 15 - Biomedical Waste [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-15-1 — 310:360-15-11)
- Subchapter 17 - Waste Tire Recycling, Certification and Permits [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-17-1 — 310:360-17-6)
- Subchapter 19 - Fee Reduction Regulations [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-19-1 — 310:360-19-7)
- Subchapter 21 - Closure, Post-Closure, and Financial Assurance [Revoked] (§§ 310:360-21-1 — 310:360-21-55)
- Appendix A - Surety Bond Guaranteeing Performance of Closure [Revoked]
- Appendix B - Certificate of Insurance for Closure and/or Postclosure Care [Revoked]
- Appendix C - Trust Agreement [Revoked]
- Appendix D - Irrevocable Letter of Credit [Revoked]