Okla. Admin. Code § 252:656-3-5

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 252:656-3-5 - Plans and specifications
(a)General plans. Applicants shall submit to DEQ two (2) copies of general plans that include the following:
(1)Plan view. Include a plan view of the plant and any discharge points, using at least 10- foot contours.
(2)Flood elevations. Show both the 25-year and 100-year flood elevations and their boundaries.
(3)Existing and proposed treatment works. Show the physical arrangement of all treatment units on a project site plat.
(4)Existing collection systems. Show the location, size and direction of flow of all existing sanitary sewers at the point of connection with proposed new sanitary sewers. Show the elevations of all sewer inverts close to the manholes.
(5)Proposed collection systems. Show the location of all proposed sewers, sewer easements and direction of flow. Number all manholes on the layout and correspondingly on the profile. Provide a summary of quantities that includes, at a minimum, linear feet of trenching, number of manholes, size, materials and linear feet of piping, types of testing and number and size of pumps (if applicable).
(6)Existing and proposed reclaimed water distribution systems. Show the location, size, and direction of flow of all existing and proposed reclaimed water distribution lines from the point of connection with the existing or proposed treatment works or storage locations to the end user. Provide a summary of quantities for proposed reclaimed water distribution lines that includes, at a minimum, pipe size, materials and linear feet of piping, types of testing and the number and size of pumps. Testing specifications shall include requirements for flushing mains to remove any construction debris before placing the system into service. Construction of reclaimed water distribution systems shall be in accordance with OAC 252:626-19-2, except as follows:
(A) locate reclaimed waterlines at least 5 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed potable waterlines;
(B) locate reclaimed waterlines at least 5 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed sewer lines;
(C) locate reclaimed waterlines crossing any existing or proposed potable waterlines at least 2 feet vertically below the potable waterlines; and
(D) locate reclaimed waterlines crossing any existing or proposed sewer lines at least 2 feet vertically above the sewer lines.
(7)Drawings. Show the name of the municipality, sewer district, or institution; scale in feet; north point; date; and name, telephone number, address, signature of engineer and/or imprint of engineer's seal on the drawings. In the case of bound documents, engineers must affix their seal, signature and date to the cover sheet or index page, which identifies all documents bound together for which the registrant has responsible charge. In the absence of a cover sheet or index page each sheet must have the seal, and dated signature of the registrant who has responsible charge. For bound documents involving multiple registrants, either each document in the bound set must be sealed, signed and dated by the registrant in responsible charge for that portion of the work, or the cover sheet or index page must be sealed, signed and dated by each registrant with a breakdown of responsibility for each document clearly identified. Draw general plans to a scale of 100 feet per inch. Establish and reference a permanent benchmark. The minimum plan size must be 11" x 17", one-sided and of adequate contrast sufficient for electronic imaging and storage.
(8) Authorized design-build projects must label cover documents prominently as "Design-Build" specify the design package number, and reference the approved engineering report number.
(b)Detailed plans. The applicant shall submit to DEQ two (2) copies of detailed plans drawn to a suitable scale. Plans to modify or extend existing wastewater treatment systems or water reuse systems shall clearly indicate the changes.
(1)Non-industrial wastewater systems. Detailed plans for non-industrial wastewater systems shall include the following:
(A)Sewer plan and profile. Include a plan and profile of all sewers to be constructed showing all special features, such as inverted siphons, extra strength pipe, concrete encasements, outfall structures and sewer bridges. Show all stream crossings on the profile with stream bed elevations, normal flow elevation and extreme high and low water levels. Scale the profiles to not more than 100 feet per inch horizontal and 10 feet per inch vertical. Show the scale on the profiles. Show all known existing structures both above and below ground that might interfere with the proposed construction; including water mains, gas mains, storm drains, and nature of street surfacing. Show wyes on the plan view and dimensions from the nearest down-stream manhole recorded on maps.
(B)Sewer details. Include profiles showing manhole stationing, size of sewers, top of rim and sewer invert elevations at each manhole and the grade and length of sewers between adjacent manholes. Show ground elevations at the house line or at approximately 50 to 75 feet from the centerline of the sewer in each direction except in the case of out-fall and/or relief sewers, where no wyes for house connections are needed.
(C)Sewer appurtenances. Include the details of all ordinary sewer appurtenances such as manholes, drop manholes, inverted siphons and pumping stations. A sufficiently detailed drawing of each structure must show dimensions, equipment, elevations, capacities, and any explanatory notes necessary to make them easily interpreted.
(D)Sewer cross sections. Include cross sections for manholes, outfall structures, headwalls, pipe cradling and encasement, and similar structures.
(E)Sewage pumping station details. Include complete construction details showing number and size of pumps, isolation valves, check valves, alarm system and emergency operation provisions.
(F)Treatment works hydraulic profile. Show hydraulic profiles with sewage, supernatant liquor and sludge flow through the plant.
(G)Schematic diagrams. Label schematic piping diagrams with all lines, appurtenances and direction of flow.
(H)Treatment units. Provide complete construction details of all treatment units including high and low water levels of receiving stream.
(I)Fillets. Eliminate dead spots in all tanks by designing fillets and otherwise rounding edges.
(2)Water reuse systems. Detailed plans for water reuse systems shall include the following information:
(A)Treatment works hydraulic profile. Show hydraulic profiles with sewage, supernatant liquor and sludge flow through the system.
(B)Schematic diagrams. Label schematic piping diagrams with all lines, appurtenances and direction of flow.
(C)Treatment units. Provide complete construction details of all treatment units including high and low water levels of receiving stream.
(D)Distribution system. Provide complete construction details of the distribution system, which shall be designed in compliance with Subchapter 27.
(c)Specifications. Applicants shall submit to DEQ complete detailed specifications for the proposed project with the plans and shall include a detailed summary of equipment and design data, with references to the specific applicable standards (e.g., ASTM, UL, etc.) for construction, installation and testing of said equipment.
(d)Construction materials. Applicants are responsible for complying with any occupational, safety and building codes. Reference in the plans or specifications where these codes require special construction materials, such as the National Electrical Code requirement for explosion- proof wiring where gases may accumulate. The DEQ will not, however, determine whether the proposed construction will meet such codes.
(e)Redundant equipment. Provide redundant treatment units and equipment for maintenance and repair.
(f)Maintenance and cleaning. For maintenance and operational controls, all units must be equipped with means for cleaning. Direct discharge of untreated sewage is prohibited.
(g)Weather protection. Protect the structures and all electrical and mechanical equipment and controls from elements and a 100-year flood. Protect mechanical units, pumps, valves and piping from freezing.
(h)Construction sequence. Include a program for keeping existing wastewater facilities in compliance with all applicable water quality permit conditions during construction of additional facilities in accordance with OAC 252:656-3-4(a)(4) and/or OAC 252:656-3-4(b)(4).

Okla. Admin. Code § 252:656-3-5

Added at 17 Ok Reg 1140, eff 6-1-00; Amended at 23 Ok Reg 937, eff 6-15-06; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 1282, eff 7-1-11; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 1061, eff 7-1-12
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 32, Issue 23, August 17, 2015, eff. 9/15/2015
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 40, Issue 24, September 1, 2023, eff. 9/15/2023