The following words, terms and acronyms, when used in the Chapter shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Annular space" means the opening between the surface or production casing and the side of the bore hole.
"ANSI" means the American National Standards Institute.
"API" means the American Petroleum Institute.
"ASTM" means the American Society for Testing and Materials.
"AWWA" means the American Water Works Association.
"DEQ" means the Department of Environmental Quality.
"Disinfection" means a process that inactivates pathogenic organisms in water using chlorination.
"Drinking water standards" means the list of maximum contaminant levels for drinking water for public water systems as determined by EPA.
"EPA" means the Environmental Protection Agency.
"Human consumption" means drinking, bathing, showering, food preparation, dishwashing, eye washing, or maintaining oral hygiene. For the purposes of this Chapter handwashing is not considered consumption.
"Individual water system" means a water system serving only one single-family residence.
"Licensed well driller" means and refers to the individual owner-proprietor or partnership, firm or corporation licensed by the OWRB to engage in the business of the commercial drilling, plugging, reconstruction and/or test drilling of water wells in the State of Oklahoma.
"Minor public water supply system" means a system of one or more water wells or surface water treatment plants that provides water to the public for human consumption:
(A) through pipes or other constructed conveyances
(B) for compensation or not,
(C) has fewer than 15 connections,
(D) serves fewer than 25 people, and
(E) is not an individual water system. A water system is not an individual water system if it serves:
(i) a single-family residence housing a commercial business that serves water to the public, or
(ii) more than one dwelling, or
(iii) one or more multi-family dwellings.
(iv) Excluded from this definition are water systems that
(I) purchase water from a permitted water system, or
(II) only provide water to family members, or
(III) have a well for each single-family residence or each unit of a multi-family dwelling, or
(IV) qualify as a public water supply system in accordance with OAC 252:626.
"Multi-family dwelling" means a single structure designed and suitable for use of two or more families.
"NSF" means the National Sanitation Foundation.
"NTU" means Nephelometric Turbidity Unit.
"OWRB" means the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.
"PAS" means Pitless Adapter Standard.
"PPM" means parts per million.
"PSI" means pounds per square inch.
"PVC" means polyvinylchloride.
"Service line" means the water supply line that runs between the water main and a residential structure, commercial structure or a water hydrant.
"Slow sand filtration" means a process involving passage of raw water through a bed of sand at low velocity (generally less than 50 gallons/ft 2/day) resulting in substantial particulate removal by physical and biological mechanisms.
"Turbidity" means the amount of suspended material in water measured using a nephelometer and expressed in NTU's.
"UL" means Underwriter Laboratories.
"VOC" means volatile organic compound.
"Water main" means a public water supply line that carries potable water to more than one service line.
"Water source" means any lake, stream, spring or groundwater supply that is used as treated or untreated water for a minor public water supply system.
"WSC" means Water Systems Council.
Okla. Admin. Code § 252:624-1-2