Okla. Admin. Code § 165:75-1-2
The following words and terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Applicant" means any person, persons, corporation or entity in the State of Oklahoma applying for a cotton gin license or any authority from the Commission under the terms of the Cotton Gin Utilities rules and regulations as set for in this Chapter and pursuant to law.
"Burr extractor" means a machine or device for extracting cotton burrs and other foreign material from seed cotton prior to its being fed into the distributor.
"Commission" means the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
"Cotton gin utility" means a cotton gin maintained and operated for the purpose of separating lint from seed cotton for the public.
"Emergency" means the result of any unforeseen occurrence or condition such as fire, flood, tornado, or any other act beyond control of the gin operator which would disable the utility and render it incapable of performing proper services.
"Extractor cleaner" means a machine or device which serves as an extractor of foreign material from seed cotton such as an incline cleaner, stick machine, green leaf machine, airline cleaner, etc.
"Extractor feeder" means a machine or device which serves as an extractor of the burr and other foreign material from seed cotton and at the same time feeds the seed cotton into the gin stands.
"Gin battery" means one or more cotton gin stands served by one cotton press.
"License" means authority or permission given by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to maintain and operate a cotton gin utility in the State of Oklahoma, as well as the evidence of such authority which may be issued by this Commission.
"Lint cleaner" means a machine or device which extracts foreign material from lint cotton.
"Rebate" means any method employed by an owner or operator of a cotton gin utility to evade rates fixed by this Commission as the fair and just charges for the ginning of cotton such as charging less than the rates fixed, the gift of meals, lodging, gasoline for cars or trucks, the use of trucks, trailers, or seed cotton transporters supplied, leased or rented by the gin owners or operators, the improper weighing of seed cotton, lint cotton or cottonseed; the selling of merchandise below cost, and any other similar practice engaged as part of any ginning transaction in any effort to evade rates fixed by this Commission.
"Seed cotton transporter" means any device utilized to transport bulk seed cotton.
"State" means the State of Oklahoma.
Okla. Admin. Code § 165:75-1-2