Okla. Admin. Code § 165:55-1-4

Current through Vol. 42, No. 8, January 2, 2025
Section 165:55-1-4 - Definitions

In addition to terms defined in 17 O.S. § 139.102, the following words and terms, when used in this Chapter shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Access service" means any tariffed wholesale service provided by one LEC to another LEC, CLEC, interexchange carrier certificated by the Commission or an end-user that allows for access to the local exchange telecommunications network, excluding local interconnection arrangements.

"Applicant for telecommunications service" means any person, partnership, cooperative corporation, corporation, or lawful entity requesting service(s) from a telecommunications service provider.

"Authorized carrier" means any telecommunications carrier that submits a change, on behalf of an end-user, in the end-user's selection of a provider of telecommunications service with the end-user's authorization verified in accordance with the procedures specified in this Chapter.

"Base rate area" means the developed area within each exchange service area designated in the tariffs of the telephone company or if not so designated, an area within one-half (1/2) mile radius of the serving central office.

"Basic local service" means all residential and business telecommunications voice and/or relay service which meets the standards set forth in 165:55-13-10, including lines beyond the first line into a residence or business.

"Billing agent" means an entity which provides bills to an end-user for services received from a telecommunications service provider.

"Billing and collection service" means the wholesale service provided by a TSP or IXC for the processing and delivery of customer bills, on behalf of a third party.

"Bona Fide Request" means a written request delivered to a telecommunications service provider requesting services and interconnection provided for in this Chapter.

"CIC" means carrier identification code which identifies a provider of toll services by a three- or four-digit number.

"Campus" means multiple buildings located on a single tract or area of land or on adjacent and abutting tracts of land where all the buildings and land are subject to majority ownership by the same person. A campus may be intersected or traversed by public thoroughfares provided that the segments created would be continuous in the absence of the thoroughfare. A tract or tracts of land used for farming and/or ranching shall not be considered a "campus."

"Carrier of last resort" means a telecommunications service provider as designated by the Commission pursuant to OAC 165:55-13-12.

"Central office" means an operating unit of a telecommunications service provider by which connections are established between end-users' lines and between end-users' lines and trunks or toll lines.

"Certificate of Convenience and Necessity" or "CCN" as used in this Chapter means an order of the Commission authorizing a lawful entity to provide telecommunications services in accordance with 17 O.S. § 131, or in the case of a data-only provider of Special Universal Services as defined at 17 O.S. § 139.102(39), in the State of Oklahoma, after the filing of an application and approval by the Commission.

"Circuit" or "Channel" means one communication path between two (2) or more points suitable for transmitting information.

"Class of service" or "Customer class" means a description of service furnished to an end-user in terms of type of rate, location, and use.

"CLEC" means a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier.

"Clear and conspicuous" means notice that would be apparent to the reasonable consumer.

"Competitive Provider" means an entity providing the same or equivalent services through the use of its own or leased facilities including resellers. The service must satisfy the Commission's rules of minimum service standards regardless of whether the provider is regulated by the Commission.

"Competitive service" means a telecommunications service determined by the Commission to be subject to effective competition for a relative geographic and service(s) market, after notice and hearing.

"Competitive Test" means an evaluation by the Commission to determine after notice and hearing, for a particular service on an exchange by exchange basis, the existence of competition among an ILEC, a non-affiliated facilities based Competitive Provider, and one (1) other non-affiliated Competitive Provider. Such exchanges shall be the same as those on file with the Commission on the date of approval of the Transition Plan.

"Cramming" means the placement of unauthorized, misleading, or deceptive charges on a customer's telephone bill for products or services that were never ordered by the customer.

"CSD" means the Consumer Service Division of the Public Utility Division of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

"Customer" or "Consumer" means any person, firm, partnership, cooperative corporation, corporation, or lawful entity that receives regulated telecommunications services provided by any telecommunications service provider or IXC.

"Customer trouble report" means any oral or written report given to a telecommunications service provider's repair service by an end-user of telephone services relating to a physical defect or difficulty or dissatisfaction with the provision of the telecommunications service provider's regulated services. Each trouble report shall count as a separate report regardless of whether subsequent reports relate to the same physical defect, difficulty, or dissatisfaction with the provision of the telecommunications service provider's regulated services.

"Data-only provider" means a company exclusively providing non-voice services, to include Special Universal Services as defined at 17 O.S. § 139.102(42), which, pursuant to OAC 165:55-3-1, has obtained a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity.

"Demarcation point" means the physical location at which responsibility for operating and maintaining facilities passes from one person to another.

"Deniable charge" means a charge for those regulated services for which nonpayment may result in a disconnection of basic local service.

"Dialing parity" means that a person that is not an affiliate of a telecommunications service provider is able to provide telecommunications services in such a manner that end-users have the ability to route automatically, without the use of any access code, their telecommunications to the telecommunications service provider of the end-user's designation from among two (2) or more telecommunications service providers.

"Directory" means the published listing of all telephone numbers, other than those requested by the end-user not to be published, for all end-users in a service area regardless of the local exchange telecommunications service provider selected by the end-user.

"Disconnection of service" means an arrangement made by the end-user or TSP for permanently discontinuing service by terminating the contract and/or removing the telephone service from the end-user's premises.

"Eligible Telecommunications Carrier" ("ETC") means a common carrier designated by the Commission pursuant to OAC 165:55-23-2 and 47 U.S.C. §§ 254 and 214(e). ETC also means a Lifeline Broadband Provider designated by the Federal Communications Commission.

"End-user" means the customer or consumer to whom a telephone number is assigned.

"Executing carrier" means any telecommunications carrier that effects a request that an end-user's telecommunications carrier be changed. A carrier may be treated as an executing carrier, however, if it is responsible for any unreasonable delays in the execution of carrier changes or for the execution of unauthorized carrier changes, including fraudulent authorizations.

"Facilities-based provider" means an entity providing telecommunications services predominately through the use of its own facilities, including UNEs, and other technologies capable of meeting all local telecommunications service requirements while complying with the Commission's quality of service rules.

"FCC" means the Federal Communication Commission.

"Filed" means to present a document to and have it accepted by the Court Clerk of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

"ILEC" means an Incumbent Local Exchange Company.

"Individual Case Basis" ("ICB") means a condition, pursuant to the provisions of the tariff, in which the rates and charges for an offering are developed based on the circumstances of each customer.

"Initial Tariffs" means the first tariffs approved after, or in conjunction with, the granting of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity.

"Interexchange telecommunications service" means telecommunications service provided between locations within different certified telephone exchange service areas.

"InterLATA call" means any call which is originated in one LATA and terminated in another LATA.

"Interstate call" means any call which is originated in one state and terminated within the boundaries of another state.

"IntraLATA call" means any call which is originated and terminated within the boundaries of the same LATA, regardless of whether such call crosses LATA boundaries prior to reaching its termination point.

"Internet Subscriber Fee" means any fee that is paid to a telecommunications service provider for Internet service that is in addition to the access connection charge.

"Intrastate call" means any call which is originated and terminated within the boundaries of the State of Oklahoma, regardless of whether such call crosses state boundaries prior to reaching its termination point.

"LATA" means Local Access and Transport Area as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Part 53.3.

"Letter of Agency" ("LOA") means the written authorization that gives permission to change the customer's telecommunications services and/or the customer's provider or to share that customer's network information with representatives or associates of the telecommunication company or telecommunications carrier.

"Local interconnection arrangements" means a contract for interconnection, including resale, as governed by section 251 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. § 251), as amended, the Federal Communication Commission rules and the rules of the Commission.

"Local operator services" means the automatic or live assistance provided to a customer, which enables the customer to arrange for billing or completion of a local call. Local operator services may include, but are not limited to, line status verification, busy line verification, emergency interrupt, and calls to emergency numbers (e.g., 911).

"Long run incremental cost" ("LRIC") means the long run forward-looking additional cost caused by providing all volume-sensitive and volume-insensitive inputs required to provide the total demand associated with a service or network element offered as a service, using economically efficient current technology efficiently deployed. LRIC also equals the cost avoided, in the long run, when a service or network element offered as a service is no longer produced. LRIC excludes costs directly and solely attributable to the production of other services or network elements offered as services, and unattributable costs which are incurred in common for all the services supplied by the firm. The long run means a period long enough so that the cost estimates are based on the assumption that all inputs are variable.

"Network element" means a facility or equipment used in the provision of a telecommunications service. Such term also includes features, functions and capabilities that are provided by means of such facility or equipment, including end-user numbers, databases, signaling systems and information sufficient for billing and collection or used in the transmission, routing or other provision of a telecommunications service.

"Network interface" means the normal demarcation point separating the telecommunications service provider's regulated facilities and equipment from the unregulated facilities, equipment, or systems provided by the end-user. The provision of the network interface is the responsibility of the telecommunications service provider.

"New service provider" means a service provider that did not bill the end-user for service during the service provider's last billing cycle. This definition excludes service providers which bill the customer solely on a per transaction basis.

"New services" means any service(s), except access services or interconnection services, for which a rate element does not presently exist, which does not replace an existing service, and that enlarges the range of service options available to end-users.

"Nonbasic service" means any telecommunication service not included in basic local service, local interconnection arrangements and/or access service.

"Non-deniable charge" means a charge for those not-regulated services for which nonpayment shall not result in a disconnection of basic, local service.

"Not-regulated service" or "Non-regulated service" means the offering of service(s) where the rates and/or terms and conditions for such service(s) are not-regulated by the Commission. These would include any interstate services offered FCC tariffs or rules, and any taxes, fees and surcharges applicable to those services, as well as any intrastate services that are not regulated by the Commission.

"Number Portability" means the ability of end-users of telecommunications services to retain, within the same wire center, their existing telecommunications number without impairment of quality, reliability or convenience when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another.

"Packaging" means the sale of two or more services offered by or in conjunction with the services of a TSP to a customer of a TSP for a single price.

"PSAP" means Public Safety Answering Point.

"PUD" means the Public Utility Division of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

"Rates" means all charges assessed by a TSP or IXC.

"Regulated telecommunications service" means the offering of telecommunications service(s) directly to the public where the rates and/or terms and conditions for such service(s) are regulated by the Commission. These would include services offered from intrastate tariffs approved by the Commission including any taxes, fees and surcharges applicable to those services, and interstate services when the Commission is enforcing the FCC slamming rules.

"Rural telephone company" means a LEC to the extent that such entity:

(A) Provides telecommunications service to any local exchange study area that does not include either:
(i) Any incorporated place of 10,000 inhabitants or more, or any part thereof, based on the most recently available population statistics of the U.S. Bureau of Census; or,
(ii) Any territory, incorporated or unincorporated, included in an urbanized area, as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Census as of August 10, 1993.
(B) Provides local exchange service, including exchange access, to fewer than 50,000 access lines;
(C) Provides local exchange service to any local exchange carrier study area with fewer than 100,000 access lines; or,
(D) Has less than fifteen percent (15%) of its access lines in communities of more than 50,000 on the date of enactment of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996.

"RUS" means the Rural Utility Services.

"Service" means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. Service shall not include the provision of non-telecommunications services, including but not limited to the printing, distribution, or sale of advertising in telephone directories, maintenance of inside wire, customer premises equipment and billing and collection, nor does it include the provision of mobile telephone service, enhanced services and other not-regulated services.

"Service interruption" means service outage, total failure, or complete loss of service due to a trouble condition in the facilities of a telecommunications service provider.

"Service provider" means any entity that offers a product or service to a customer, the charge for which appears on the bill of the billing agent. This definition shall include only providers that have continuing relationships with the enduser that will result in periodic charges on the end-user's bill, unless the service is subsequently canceled.

"Service territory" means a geographic area served by a telecommunications service provider.

"Slamming" means the unauthorized switching of an end-user's telecommunications service provider or presubscribed IXC.

"Submit" means to present a document to the Director of the Public Utility Division.

"Submitting carrier" means any telecommunications carrier that requests on the behalf of an end-user that the end-user's telecommunications carrier be changed and seeks to provide retail services to the end-user. A carrier may be treated as a submitting carrier, however, if it is responsible for any unreasonable delays in the submission of carrier change requests or for the submission of unauthorized carrier change requests, including fraudulent authorizations.

"Supported Services" means services identified in 47 C.F.R. part 54, or OAC 165:59, as amended from time to time, for which an ETC receives support from the federal USF, OUSF or OLF, or as otherwise may be ordered by the Commission.

"Suspension of service" means an arrangement made at the initiative of the TSP for temporarily discontinuing service without terminating the contract or removing the telephone service from the customer's premises.

"SWBT" means Southwestern Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Oklahoma.

"Tariff" means all or any part of the body of rates, tolls, charges, classifications, and terms and conditions of service relating to regulated services offered, the conditions under which such services are offered and the charges therefore, which have been approved by the Commission.

"Telecommunications carrier or Company" means a telecommunications service provider ("TSP") or an interexchange telecommunications carrier ("IXC").

"Telecommunications service provider" ("TSP") means all authorized providers of local exchange service, whether an ILEC or a CLEC.

"Telephone bill" means a billing agent's invoice, issued in compliance with this Chapter, for products or services rendered by itself and by a service provider(s), if any.

"Telephone company" or "Company" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity engaged in furnishing regulated local exchange telephone services under the jurisdiction of the Commission on July 1, 1995, pursuant to a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity or grandfathered authority.

"Terms of Service" means rates, charges and terms and conditions for regulated services that a TSP or IXC elects to post, in a searchable format, on a publicly availability website.

"Tribal Land" means any federally recognized Indian tribe's reservation, Pueblo, or Colony, including former reservations in Oklahoma, Alaska Native regions established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688), Indian allotments; Hawaiian Home Lands-areas held in trust for Native Hawaiians by the state of Hawaii, pursuant to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920 July 9, 1921, 42 Stat. 108, et.seq., as amended; and any land designated as such by the Federal Communications Commission for purposes of this subpart pursuant to the designation process in 47 C.F.R. § 54.412.

"Unauthorized carrier" means any telecommunications carrier that submits a change, on behalf of an end-user, in the end-user's selection of a provider of telecommunications service but fails to obtain the end-user's authorization verified in accordance with the procedures specified in this Chapter.

"Unauthorized change" means a change in an end-user's selection of a provider of telecommunications service that was made without authorization verified in accordance with the verification procedures specified in this Chapter.

"Unbundled network element" ("UNE") means a component of the ILEC's telecommunications network utilized to provide telecommunications services.

"Unbundling" means to provide to any telecommunications service provider nondiscriminatory access to network elements on an unbundled basis at any technically feasible point on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory.

"Unfilled application" means a firm application by an end-user for new service or a different class of service which has not yet been accomplished.

"Wireless Provider" means provider of radio communication service carried on between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, and by mobile stations communicating among themselves and which permits a user generally to receive a call that originates and/or terminates on the public switched network or its functional equivalent, regardless of the radio frequencies used.

"Zone" means a service territory described as such by an ILEC.

Okla. Admin. Code § 165:55-1-4

Amended at 10 Ok Reg 2651, eff 6-25-93 ; Amended at 13 Ok Reg 2437, eff 7-1-96 ; Amended at 14 Ok Reg 2847, eff 7-15-97 ; Amended at 15 Ok Reg 3054, eff 7-15-98 ; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2261, eff 7-1-99 ; Amended at 17 Ok Reg 306, eff 11-2-99 (emergency); Amended at 17 Ok Reg 1043, eff 5-11-00 ; Amended at 18 Ok Reg 2415, eff 7-1-01 ; Amended at 19 Ok Reg 1985, eff 7-1-02 ; Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2301, eff 7-15-03 ; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 2101, eff 7-1-04 ; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 712, eff 7-1-05 ; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 1549, eff 7-12-12 ; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1565, eff 7-11-13

Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 31, Issue 24, September 2, 2014, eff. 9/12/2014
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 32, Issue 23, August 17, 2015, eff. 8/27/2015
Amended by Oklahome Register, Volume 33, Issue 23, August 15, 2016, eff. 8/25/2016
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 34, Issue 24, September 1, 2017, eff. 9/11/2017
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 41, Issue 23, August 15, 2024, eff. 10/1/2024