Okla. Admin. Code § 155:40-1-2
The following words and terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"319" or "319 program" or "Section 319" or "Section 319(h)" means that section of the federal Clean Water Act dealing with nonpoint source pollution. Administered by the EPA, this section assists state and tribal nonpoint source programs with funding, technical support and programmatic guidance.
"Beneficial Uses" means a classification of the waters of the state, according to their best uses in the interest of the public; these are assigned in OAC Title 785, Chapter 45, Oklahoma Water Quality Standards.
"Blue Thumb" or "BT" means the Blue Thumb program.
"CWA" or "Clean Water Act" means that section of the U.S. Federal Law known in familiar terms as the Clean Water Act.
"EPA" means the Environmental Protection Agency.
"Nonpoint Source" or "NPS" means nonpoint source pollution or a source of pollution without a well defined point of origin.
"OCC" or "Commission" means the Oklahoma Conservation Commission.
"OWRB" means the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.
"Water Quality Standards" , when capitalized, means Chapter 45 of OAC Title 785, Oklahoma Water Quality Standards. Whenever this term is not capitalized or is singular, it means the most stringent of the criteria assigned to protect the beneficial uses designated for a specified water of the State.
"Water Quality Standards Implementation Plan" or "WQSIP" means a Water Quality Standards Implementation Plan developed and promulgated by a state environmental agency as required by 27A O.S. § 1-1-202 .
Okla. Admin. Code § 155:40-1-2