In furtherance of the policy adopted by the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund ("OP& F"), the information used in determining the taxability of benefits payable to those members outlined in OP& F'S policy will be based on OP& F'S books and records as of the date the form 1099 is issued, as such information is provided to OP& F by the employers, members, and benefit recipients.
Ohio Admin. Code 742-9-14
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 742.10
Rule Amplifies: 742.10, 742.32, 742.37, 742.63
Prior Effective Dates: 03/09/2001 (Emer.), 05/24/2001
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 742.10
Rule Amplifies: 742.10, 742.32, 742.37, 742.63
Prior Effective Dates: 3/9/01 (Emer.), 5/24/01