Section 5122-41-04 - Youth and family engagement(A) PRTF is a youth and family driven service. The youth and family/caregivers are viewed as full participants in the treatment team and their needs, preferences, and choices are valued and respected.(B) Family is defined by the youth and caregiver in a manner consistent with the OhioRISE care coordination process, and through conversations with the PRTF team and the youth and caregiver.(C) The PRTF will provide the family or caregiver clear communication and explanations related to the youth's service needs at a frequency defined by the youth, their family, and care plan.(D) The youth will be asked directly for their input on and offered choices in their treatment services, Their input and choices are respected and incorporated into the plan of care whenever clinically and developmentally appropriate.(E) The PRTF actively engages the family or caregiver. When applicable, this occurs in partnership with the care management entity or care coordination entity. (1) The family or caregiver is invited to participate in treatment team meetings, which are held at times convenient to the family or caregiver.(2) Families are encouraged to be full participants in their children's ongoing care including participation in clinical appointments. The family or caregiver is invited to participate in family counseling from the time of the youth's placement in the PRTF unless clinically contraindicated and documented.(3) The PRTF will provide additional family services and supports or refer the family or caregiver in collaboration with the child and family team for recommended individualized services and supports in the community, e.g. individual therapy, parenting classes, parent mentors or peer supports, or parenting self-care information, etc.(F) The PRTF will coordinate with the Title IV-E agency for services for youth in Title IV-E agency's custody.(G) PRTF visitation policies promote face-to-face contact.(H) PRTF makes available and utilizes technology for visitation, clinical services, education, and treatment team meetings.(I) The PRTF includes the family or caregiver in transition planning.Ohio Admin. Code 5122-41-04
Effective: 10/1/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/01/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5119.141
Rule Amplifies: 5119.141, 5119.34