Unless applicable local requirements are more restrictive, county family services agencies (CFSAs) and local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) areas shall use one of the following procurement methods when acquiring goods and/ or services paid for in whole or part with federal funds.
Informal procurement methods are used when the value of the purchase does not exceed the lower of the local small purchase threshold or the federal small purchase threshold as set by 48 C.F.R. subpart 2.1.
Formal procurement methods are required when the value of the purchase exceeds the lower of the local small purchase threshold or the federal small purchase threshold as set by 48 C.F.R. subpart 2.1
Evaluation factors other than price can only be used when they are clearly explained in the purchasing agency's request for proposal (RFP).
If after solicitation of an adequate number of qualified offerors, CFSAs or local WIOA areas determine that competition is inadequate resulting in a failed formal competitive procurement, the CFSAs or local WIOA area has completed a legitimate and reasonable competitive procurement, subject to documenting the process as described in paragraph (C) (3)(b) of this rule.
If CFSAs or local WIOA areas determine that competition is inadequate resulting in a failed procurement after solicitation of an adequate number of qualified offerors, then CFSAs or local WIOA areas must document the process described in paragraph (C)(3)(b) of this rule to support that a legitimate and reasonable competitive procurement has transpired.
State purchasing contracts are not to be confused with state term schedules, which are non-competitive schedules of products or services and shall be treated only as a pre-qualified vendor contractor list. State term schedules do not represent competitive procurement. Purchases made by a CFSA or local WIOA area using the state term schedule to obtain a pre-qualified vendor list must follow the requirements contained in paragraphs (c)(1) to (C)(2) of this rule.
Ohio Admin. Code 5101:9-4-07.1
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5101.02
Rule Amplifies: 153.54, 307.86, 307.87, 307.88, 307.89, 307.90, 307.91
Prior Effective Dates: 09/20/1980, 08/13/1982, 01/01/1986 (Emer.), 04/01/1986, 10/01/1986 (Emer.), 12/15/1986, 05/01/1996, 09/05/1997, 09/12/2005, 10/30/2006, 01/30/2012, 07/06/2015, 04/25/2016