Chapter 5101:2-18 - Child Day Camps
- Section 5101:2-18-01 - Definitions for registered and approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-02 - Requirements for registered child day camps not seeking approval to provide publicly funded child care
- Section 5101:2-18-03 - Approved child day camp registration and application
- Section 5101:2-18-03.1 - [Rescinded] Transitional pandemic requirements for approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-04 - Compliance inspection and complaint investigation of an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-05 - Child day camp administrator requirements for an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-06 - Lead counselor, junior counselor, counselor-in-training and employee requirements in an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-07 - Background check requirements for an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-08 - Training and professional development requirements for an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-09 - Supervision of children and ratios for an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-10 - Emergency, disaster and health-related plans for an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-10.1 - [Rescinded] Statement of nonconviction and criminal records checks for approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-11 - Administering medication and caring for children with special health needs at an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-12 - Transportation and field trip safety for an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-13 - Safe and sanitary equipment and environment in an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-14 - [Rescinded] Requirements for field trips from approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-15 - [Rescinded] Requirements for health care and medication administration in approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-16 - Medication. [Rescinded]
- Section 5101:2-18-17 - [Rescinded] Requirements for first aid supplies in an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-18 - [Rescinded] Requirements for the care of children with special needs in an approved child day camp
- Section 5101:2-18-19 - [Rescinded] Information for parents of children attending approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-20 - [Rescinded] Requirements for records of children in approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-21 - [Rescinded] Safety requirements in approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-22 - [Rescinded] Behavior management for children in approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-23 - [Rescinded] Medical emergency procedures in approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-24 - [Rescinded] Food preparation in approved child day camps
- Section 5101:2-18-25 - [Rescinded] Vehicle safety and driver training in approved child day camps